
Would you show disgusting pictures to your teen?

by  |  earlier

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Would you show your teen pictures of STDS, blackened lungs or messed up livers to prevent them from engaging in sexual activity, smoking, or drinking alcohol. I'm referring to if they aren't engaging in any of these behaviors, you just want to be sure they don't start.




  1. They do at school.

  2. I haven't had the need to do that, but I think it could be effective for a kid who may head down the wrong path. Sometimes kids need to see the consequences of actions in order for it to be a reality.

  3. Teens aren't dumb.  They realize that the super-gross images are just extreme cases.  Instead of scare tactics, why don't you sit down and have an honest discussion about your values regarding s*x, smoking, and drinking.  It's friendlier, and your teen will respect it more.

  4. I have not had to resort to that, but in some instances I think the visual may be helpful. I have talked to both of my teenagers about the dangers of smoking, drinking and pre-marital s*x and I can say that they have listened for the most part- however if I had a child that was going down the wrong path, I would possibly show him/her the pics, to possibly save his/her life.  Would you rather have them get hurt or worse, just because you thought showing pics was not a good idea? I hope not!

  5. if i thought my teens could handle it and they wanted to see them, becuase we were discussing the subject. yes.

    my older 2 and i watch the intervention shows and national geographic shows on drugs all the time. it open for great discussions with my kids, and 99% of the time, they are asking great questions.

    they see worse than that on the internet and tv half the time. i think watching a guy get his body blown in half in a war movie or a person getting shot in the head is worse for them to see than that. -it also depends on the maturity level

  6. No I wouldn't.

    I believe talking to them about safe s*x practices, the pros and cons of smoking and drink, and letting them make their own choices is enough.

    If a teen wants to do those things, showing them pictures isn't going to stop them. Plus you have to let them make their own choices in life, they need to fall once in a while to learn what's right and what's wrong, you can't protect them and expect them to never disobey your wishes. Telling them something is wrong end of story is just going to make them want to do it more.

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