
Would you side with the robots or humans in the robot vs human war?

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You are half man, half robot. In the inevitable robot/human war, who do you side with?




  1. As a half-man, half-robot, I'd be lobbying for peaceful coexistence.  After all, I'd be living proof that the two groups can work well together.

  2. Whichever one was going to win ;D

    or if it was unclear, i'd just hide in a cave for a few years until it all blew over ahah.

  3. Insert R2D2 chirping sound here.

  4. I wasn't ready for this question, but after seeing all those Terminator movies I knew I would have to decide one day.

    I guess the question I need to ask is, "Who's on my side?"

  5. Human, still, I was been born as a human.

  6. Humans dude!!

  7. Naturally Human side as we created robots.

  8. The robot, ultimately he's probably going to win and I can rebuild the humna half as a robot afterwards. It could be quite comical watching myself beat myself up though...

  9. Humans, but it would depend if my brain was one of the robotic parts. :)

  10. Robots, humans will tear each other apart and do the job for you, Machine will be victorious.

  11. It's all the same to be with Robot or with human Being since Robots are made by Human being. Question remain, who is engaged in a positive side? I'll be with them.

    What would you do when a Robot was trying to save a girl & a man was trying to rape her?

  12. I side with the dissident movement hiding out in the mountains and choose peace.  And light mineral oil.

  13. humans always find a way. We would always win against robots. I would be on a human side

  14. If I understand correctly then robots and machines are nothing more than physical incarnation of very human intelligence, the extensions to human mind only much more advanced and sophisticated than automated machines and modern computers. It this is what robots would be, originally human intelligence and now intelligence in its own right, and if that free intelligence, independent of human care and control, has waged war against human beings then I would side with them, as I believe all intelligence needs guidance, and reason must accompany emotions.

    Everyone seeks to be intelligent anyway, every parent wants their children to be smart and intelligent as they encourage them to be so, and take great pride in the mental and intellectual achievements of their children. Then why not consider robots the brain child of man and instead of trying to rule them take sense to them and see what they can do to change of lot in the time to come. I understand that as human beings we have our love and our need for thing to remain as we have always found them to be. I understand that it is difficult to change and to accept change. This on the other hand is greatly consolatory for us to stick to the past, to traditions and to tried and test ways of doing things.

    The fact is that we all find any change to be threatening. And even when change has in it its many opportunities and benefits, we find our reasons to be cautionary. I would side with the robots as I side with my normal intelligence while dealing with matters of my business and personal enterprise. Just as I would try to find out as how intelligent I am, and what type of intelligence I posses, so that I am able to make the best of it, I would like to know what robots are and what they are up to. I hope robots being the embodiment of my own human intelligence would understand my point and take my counsel in matters needing human understanding.

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