
Would you sign a contract to adopt and raise a baby to 18 years old to prevent it from being aborted?

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VeggieFootballQueen’s answer is what one of the biggest problems is with unwanted pregnancy.

It’s the WOMAN’S BODY that the woman is ALLOWING to be used for mutual sexual gratification.

It’s MORE the WOMAN’S RESPONSIBILITY to take care of HER BODY and take preventive measures to NOT become pregnant due to CONSENTUAL s*x.

At the VERY LEAST, if a woman CONSENTS to sexual intercourse with a man SHE should take some kind of action to prevent herself from becoming pregnant and to also BE SURE that HE use a condom or take some other measure to prevent impregnating her.

The question is “would YOU sign a contract to adopt and raise a baby to 18 years old to prevent it from being aborted NOT what OTHERS do, did, etc.

And to answer HER question: YES not only CAN I…I DO.

I’m celibate.

When I was younger, if the woman wanted me to use a condom I WOULD. Most times the women wouldn’t ASK me to use one

At times the women told me NOT to use one

Young & dumb don’t think about STD or pregnancy.




  1. absolutely

  2. A lot of people do.  Can you refrain from impregnating a woman to prevent a child from being aborted?

  3. I took in an entire family for a year! The Democrats have raised  taxes too high to afford it. The average family pays a fortune in corporate taxes that are passed on. in 3 ways. working harder for less. paying more for less. getting downsized and out sourced jobs. I raised my own and I said "no" to having ones I couldn't afford and I never had one I didn't want. What ever happened to personal responsibilities? By the way, I spend thousands in charity and I spend 3 weeks a year doing charity work.

  4. <<I am not financially stable to do it. But I can assure you that there are plenty of people that would love to adopt a baby. If I could I would. >>

    Oh, yeah? Then why do so many African American babies end up in foster homes or with non-American parents? Bet you didn't know that, did you? The rate of adoption for black babies is higher among foreigners than it is among Americans. (Sources below.)

  5. If I didn't have my own children..   In a second.

  6. No.  I already sponsor a charity which sets up abortion clinics in Africa and other parts of the Third World to help solve the problems caused by overpopulation and global warming.

    Only wicked and irresponsible people would want to increase the number of unwanted mouths in the world.

  7. I am not financially stable to do it. But I can assure you that there are plenty of people that would love to adopt a baby. If I could I would.  

  8. NO

  9. No, but I'll point somebody to a store where they can buy a condom if they ask.  If you don't want a kid, it's not that hard to prevent.  

  10. yes

  11. No, because I have three kids of my own that need me. I WOULD sign a contract to find a couple that would be willing to adopt and raise the baby to keep it from being aborted. It would't be that hard. In fact, I bet I could find someone tomorrow.  

  12. You bet!

    Especially if it didn't cost $20,000... that is why adoptions don't happen... people can't afford them.  The gov't has made them impossible for the average person.

    I would adopt a dozen children... anytime anyplace.  You can leave a baby on my doorstep and I'd take care of it.

  13. Yes. I was an orphan, and I am glad I was not aborted.

    I did find a home where I was supported. <}:-{(

  14. Yes I would... and so would thousands of other hopeful parents who are eager to adopt. But the abortion issue is not black or white there is a whole gray area and there are certain instances in which abortion should be an option made available to mothers/families. Many people think that abortion is a simple procedure and that once it's done the problem will be solved but from a personal perspective it solves nothing. And quite frankly many women go in to this decision very much ill informed to the alternatives and to what is really involved in the procedure.

    I believe that if we would educate people more to the amazing abilities(ie...pain perception) that a fetus ,even in it's earliest stages, possesses, then we may see that people are more reluctant to choose abortion as a way to solve their "problem".

  15. Yes I adopted 2 children already buddy so I am ahead of the game.

    Now tell me it is OK for a child that is born alive to die of neglect in an abortion clinic like Obama.

  16. As a woman that isn't sure if I can have children of my own yet... Yes I would, in a heart beat.... I also wouldn't care what it looked like or what diseases it MIGHT have...  

  17. Ask Obama.

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