
Would you sign a petition to legalise the licensing of guns in the UK?

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  1. strange question as we already have a system of licensing for guns that permits legitimate ownership where people have a need to own a gun, we dont need to change we do not want to follow america

  2. No.  There is already to much gun crime without guns being made more accessible.

  3. What an odd bunch of responses you have received.  I guess people do not realize that if you outlaw firearms you only guarantee that only outlaws will have guns.  You are, I believe, talking about arming the good guys.  I would agree with that.


  4. I like the fact the petition talks about 'bare' firearms. After all, it is naked Thursday!

  5. No, things are bad enough with knives.

  6. No because I don't want guns to be legalised.

  7. Sorry, no chance whatsoever.........

  8. yes i would.  Gangs have them to shoot at us and the goverment are powerless to stop it and to protectus andguess what it will only get worse; so i would rather i had a gun to protect my self

  9. no

  10. I'd sign one that allowed the police to seize the bloody lot and melt them all.

  11. NO WAYY

    too easy for young uns to get hold of a gun as it is...

  12. NO WAY.

  13. "Would you sign a petition to legalise the licensing of guns in the UK? "

    So it's illegal to license a gun then? Quick, arrest the Home Secretary!

  14. Yes.  Then we would not have to go to Iraq / Afghanistan to be able to shoot muslims

  15. The simple answer to your question is 'no', followed by - are you completely mad?

    Incidentally, the logic in the petition statement is as flawed in this country as it is in its country of origin - wherever that might be.

  16. No chance.

  17. No.  Guns are far more likely to be mis-used than used for self-defence.

    Witness the recent Neil Entwhistle case in the USA when that scumbag shot his wife and baby daughter.  He was able to get hold of a gun easily because it was America.  In the UK it would have been MUCH harder and as a result that woman and her child might still be alive.

    For everyone who gets to use a gun legitimately to protect themselves how many other crackheads and drunkards and nutters will kill innocent people simply because they were able to get hold of a firearm?  Isn't one Hungerford Massacre or one Dunblane enough?  

    Guns only belong on the hands of trained professionals who have a reason to use them ie police and army.  There is no reason for anyone else to have one.

    Jacob W - how do you differentiate the "good guys" from the "felons"?? I'm sure Neil Entwhistle would have seemed like a "good guy" on the face of it - devoted, educated family man etc.  Like I said, if he hadn't been able to get his hands on that bloody gun his wife and baby daughter might be alive today.

    What happens when a "good guy" has a meltdown and decides to go and shoot up his work/school/family home etc?  Chew on that for a while . . .

  18. More legal guns = bigger pool to get illegal guns.

    The madness in the USA should be enough to deter anybody from following that route.

    in the UK

    Gun crime whilst receiving a lot of publicity in the UK, is nearly imperceptible within overall crime figures. In the USA its very prevalent.

    You may want the UK to be the 51st state of the world's largest lunatic asylum but I don't.

    So my emphatic answer is NO!

    If any Americans are upset by my response then tough!

  19. No way.  I already have a gun and I went through a long licensing process to get it.  Why do you want everyone to have guns without the land or the need for one?  I'm sure I've misunderstood somewhere along the line!

    Edit - Hand gun?  I don't have one of them, what the h**l do you need a hand gun for?

  20. Scary responses.  I wonder if any one of them would put a sign in their window saying that they live in a gun free home.

    Probably not as this attention gives criminals exactly what they want - An unarmed home to rob without any resistance.

    Note that after the gun ban, Briton tried to ban kitchen knives larger than 4 inches.

  21. Well, as an American, I must say that it's very sad to see the responses you're receiving!

    And, to answer your question (so the trolls don't report me!), YES!

  22. no, there's enough illegal ones about as it is.

  23. Not in a month of sundays.

  24. h**l no, look at the mess the USA is in

  25. No.


  27. Hmm, let me see...gun murders in the UK (guns not legal)average 65 a year. Gun murders in the USA (guns legal)average 12000 a year. So that's roughly a 1 in 923000 chance of being shot dead in Britain and a 1 in 18750 chance of being shot dead in the USA; or to put it another way fifty times more likely.

    Guns are for sad tw@ts with small *****.

  28. No!

  29. no i dont think we should legalise any guns we aint in america yet

  30. I collect guns and would relish a return to the days when I could own pistols however, I would not sign the petition.

    "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to give the people of the UK the right to keep and bare firearms."

    1. The petitioner should have referred to 'bear arms'.

    2. The few signatures suggests that this petition is not sponsored by a legitimate shooting organisation.

    3. I do not wish my name to be on a Special Branch file although in this wish I am probably too late.

  31. No - I agree with more police being trained with firearms, but the rest of us civilians - no way!!

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