
Would you sign your 8yr. old son up on a baseball league if........?

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they don't believe in telling the kids if they win or loose, they just tell them they are all winners? Isn't it better for them to find out that they can't always win?




  1. well, i think that's all a little silly (and in my experience, even when the adults aren't keeping score, the kids all know the score at the end of the game).

    but it wouldn't keep me from signing my kid up.  winning and losing is certainly part of life, but learning about winning and losing is by no means the only benefit of playing a team sport.  sign him up for baseball and then play some chess with him.  :-)

  2. Belive it  or not at 8 yrs old, who cares.  When my son played at that age it wasn't that we didn't tell them, they just genuinely didn't care.  If they found out they won that was great, if they lost that just wasn't as great.  They still got to play and have fun.

    I think that natural competition comes later, as they ge older, it did for my kids.  Let him play.

  3. Good point, but as long as the kid is having fun thats is more important in my opinion.

  4. Is this tball? or baseball? Some tball leagues do not keep score, everyone bats each inning and no one wins or looses/ That is the very FIRST level of instructional baseball.

    By 8 kids are starting to play "kid pitch" where kids pitch and hit, outs are made and scores are kept.

    If my son was playing level one of instructional baseball or tball then I would be fine with no win or lose....but if he were playing baseball I would think it was wrong. If you are keeping track of outs, don't you know the score?

    After this first year, do the baseball teams play by regular rules and have wins and losses? If they do, then I would let my son play knowing that he will be on a regular team next year. IF they never keep track of scores and who wins, then I would not put my child in that league.

    One of the reasons to have a child play team sports is the socialization aspect---learning to win and lose gracefully is part of that.

  5. i would, I played ball my whole life and it was always like that but i think it helps them enjoy playing more.  Everyone plays, who cares who wins, and we all have fun.  You don't want them to only play to win being on a team is also about the fellowship with others. Believe me when he gets older if he continues with it he will see those fanatic coaches who constantly pressure you to win win win and who get angry when their team loses. My mom said good game whether we won or lost because the point is to do your best all the time.  It is up to you to tell him after the fact that you can't win them all.  Good Luck.

  6. they should tell him. and for the love of god it's lose. not loose pants are loose.

  7. I don't agree with not telling them if they win or lose, I'd make sure to make a point about letting them know that winning isn't the reason to play, sure it's fun to win, but it's not everything. Even if you don't win you have fun playing the game.

  8. i think it's so that they start to like the game befor they have ot face the hard reality of lossing, so they will stay in baseball but really if yr 8yr old wants to play let him, it will get him active (if not already) and he may have fun

  9. Sure why not because what they tell em is really true because win or lose they are there. because to be a winner all you have to do is play, but to become a champion you need to practice to get good at it.

  10. It sounds to me like they are telling them they are all winners even if they do not win.  I see nothing wrong with that.

  11. The Little League system starts out that way. But TRUST ME, by the time they get all the way through you will typically get at least one coach who thinks the world will end if the team doesn't win by crushing the other team.

    What I'm trying to say is they bring them in slow and then as they get towards the end of it several years from now, they push winning versus teaching.

  12. Life is cruel enough, why start it at 8?!?!?! Do sing him up and let him eb a kid, disapointments will come later.

  13. My son was on soccer team in a league that didn't keep score, and he hated it.  Like others have said, the kids knew exactly what the score was, even if it wasn't official.  He now plays in competitive football league, and loves checking the different team's standings.  Competition has been taken out of so many areas of kids' lives in the name of self esteem, but I really think self esteem comes from working hard, and excelling at something - not from adults saying "good job!".

  14. No I would not. My son was on a basketball team like that at 6yrs old and thought it was the stupidest thing he had ever heard off. Kids are capable of understanding win/lose at age 3 why patronize them? The whole point of a game is to use the skills you have learned and to beat the other team in a sportsmanlike manner. I wouldn't do it again just b/c its insulting to the children.

  15. I agree they have to let the children know that you are not always going to win that everyone loses some times and that noone is perfect.

  16. That sounds ridiculous. No I would find a real baseball team.

    **EDIT** Also, real competitiveness doesn't necessarily come as they get older. I played college softball so I know competition. I was born competitive, it's more natural for some, that's how you tell the difference between a true athlete and one that plays to have fun. Don't get me wrong I am not a sore loser but winning is always the goal.

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