
Would you sleep with a married person?

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Honestly if you were attractted to a married woman or man and the feelings were mutual would you have an affair with them?




  1. No.  

  2. I have and it turned out to be a HUGE mistake. I hurt a very nice woman who's only mistake was she had an unfaithful husband.

  3. No, affairs only led to either disappointment or hurt on some body's part and sometimes neglected kids. There are so many men and women in the world why would you feel the need to date someone who is spoken for.

  4. Your asking me if I would jeperdize my integrity, possibly ruin a marriage and or family for lust?

    No, Im not that selfish, and I would hope that noone would ever be that selfish towards my man.

  5. I have affairs and some are with married women, I just let them know up front that it will never get serious.

    It's s*x and nothing more.

  6. its best practice not to.

  7. If I was the one married to them then Yes.  

    Hands OFF baby.  

  8. well look at your picture,no wonder!!!!!

  9. I know somone who has but only bc he was her 1st.

    but just a random person you met, NO

  10. nope, because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me

  11. Based on that tiny detail presented in the additional information, it seems that the question is rather pointless.

    Had everyone answered that it is fine to behave in this manner, would you be wrong for being upset? If everyone said "divorce the guy" would you do it just because we said so?

    Sit down with him and get to the bottom of what happened. If you both want to make it work, speak to each other, a spiritual leader, a marriage counselor, etc.

  12. Nope wouldnt do it.

  13. I have slept with many married men.

    It was just for the s*x i wasn't looking for a relationship with them.

    I would have s*x with them a few times and then we would go our separate ways.

  14. h**l NO, you're asking for trouble if it's you

  15. No. Nothing good can come out of an affair. You will ruin your marraige and lives of your children if you have any and the odds of the your relationship with your lover progressing to anything more are slim to none. Why hurt and destroy the lives of the people who you love and who love you for fleeting attraction?

  16. I have this married man that WANTS me so bad... but NEVER will I go and run... I hate that women and men do this. Would you LIKE your MAN to do this. I know that you can't never stop him, nor would he care, but I would never touch, suck, look at a married person for s*x, or even being a friends. I hate that work... "let's be friends"... yeah friends that ****!!

  17. there is pretty much a 100% divorce rate now,so yes cheat

  18. If I weren't married.

    In a heartbeat!

    I have in the past.

    but never again. cause I am married and I believe in being faithful.

  19. mabye if the feelings were mutual yes! But what your husband did with your best friend or one of your friends that was wrong! He should know that she is going to tell u what he did! I would get rid of him he could go try on other woman to!

  20. I am attracted to a married man....and we do sleep together....after all he is my husband....

  21. Karma can be a *****....

  22. I am very attracted to a married man, he says he isn't happy in his marriage--but he is married--mutual feelings but never would go there--his commitment to his wife is more important--why would a woman want to be the "other" one anyhow--

  23. nope, I am happily married and have outgrown those types of things.  I wouldn't want anyone to do that to me and my husband, so I would never do it to them.  The only way i would do it is if we had a mutual agreement with both couples and had a 4-some.  hahaha lol >.<

  24. Not in a million years.  Never.

  25. I always said no because i woulden't want it done to me, but i started seeing a married man and we fell deeply in love. He got a divorce and we are married now and i couldn't be happier!

  26. Not a chance in h**l

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