
Would you speak to this person if you knew that.....?

by  |  earlier

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He was going do it this time

This would be the day

That he jumped from that bridge

And tossed his soul away

All because

Of feeling so alone

No mail in the box

No one's on the phone

Like a one man game of

Hide and NO seek

Yet he won't jump

If one soul will just speak

Smile and say hi to someone.




  1. Well... maybe he would have an angel named Clarence to help him find his joy in life.  But frankly, *I* would not be knowing all that by merely looking at him on the bridge... he may, instead be....

    Contemplating the lovely day

    To see the ripples wash away

    Any cares and woes that he may feel

    Or any wounds that he may heal.

    The birds dip and sip along the shore

    The sun sparkles off the morning's h**e.

    His lungs drink in the day's freshness

    His eyes contemplate his blessedness.

    Turning from the bridge's rail

    His smile speaks of a tale

    Of happiness and heartfelt bliss

    Remembering his lover's kiss.

    Have a blessed day.

  2. yes i guess that's pretty good poetry..  it seemed to have a theme

  3. I would speak to them regardless, despair is a universal language we can all understand.

  4. h**l yeah!

    if it'll save a life, and even more if he makes good conversation!!!!

  5. ,Your poetry was touching and well written, with a sincere message! One never knows what a word will bring, comfort to restore some tiny trace of hope, that someone actually cares!  Beautifully done and thanks for sharing a heart felt message like this!!


  6. I would. Infact I did once before not to long ago. And just because I said hi to her we became the best of friends and now she has no intentions of these types of things any more and she's my girlfriend.

    By the way the poem was amazing.

  7. I re writ it.

    He was going do it this time

    This would be the day

    That he jumped from that bridge

    And tossed his soul away

    Paddy worked it all out

    The distance from the bridge

    Down to the river bottom

    To the nearest inch.

    He carefully selected

    The rope from his supply.

    Elastic stretch forgotten

    Paddy sentenced him to die.

    From parapet did he plummet

    down to the river bed

    Bungee elastic followed

    He landed on his head

    Oh Fook ole Paddy shouted.

    I forgot the stretch again

    still he must have died outright

    rather than in pain.

    The Moral of the story

    if you should Bungee jump

    make sure you test the kit first

    Dont trust some Irish  chump

  8. Don't do it, I promise to send you more E Mails.

  9. Yep I embrace the miserable because we are all in the same sinking boat and i liked how you had it reach out to someone without ultimately taking his life at the end i have poems about suicide and it is something I do not think anyone should partake in it's one catergory once you fall in you cannot change what is done RIP Juan

  10. yes I would try to

  11. Great Message in the poem! We don't realise the truth that a smile and hi we say to someone could make such a great difference in their life. Solitude is such a horrible thing tempting and driving people to suicide. A voice, a smile is so comforting. I know it.

  12. very powerful message, and words worth listening too

  13. you make a good point! thanks that made my day!

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