
Would you spend a winter in an isolated hotel like that family did in "The Shining"?

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Say the pay was $50,000 -- and you could work on your book.




  1. Can I have internet?  Then yes.

  2. No way!!!

  3. Would the hotel have to be exactly like the one in "The Shining," or could it be, for example, something like the Ritz-Carlton?  If it had anything in common with Hotel Creepy, the answer would be no.  I do not rent out my mind to be played with, even for the lovely prospect of working on my book.  How about no...and thanks for asking.

  4. Yes!! What a treat! All by myself!

  5. Oh, yes!  Can you imagine the possibilities???  I would have loads of fun investigating the paranormal, and scaring myself senseless.

  6. Hahahahaha, Oh, you're serious......Eh, neh.  I live in North Dakota, and the worst thing you can do is "isolate" yourself during the winter time 50 Grand or not.

  7. Sure, which author would I be working with? Oh and as long as the evil spirits don't come calling!

  8. It would be worth it for me.50 grand for 3 months,why not?

  9. Would you believe I have done something like that.  I spent a winter in an old ski lodge in Colorado.  The only thing you had to do was not freeze to death.  The main job was to make sure the pipes didn't freeze. and nobody vandalized the place.  I wish there was a ghost there to talk to.  -30∘sucks to work in.

  10. Perhaps I have experienced more than they have in that short time. I have experienced it just about everywhere I lived. Heck they are everywhere. That's a good time to write a book on ghost, and I can use the money. I would like to write a book on this subject if I get the time.

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