
Would you spit on Bush and federal politicians if you could do it?

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Would you spit on Bush and federal politicians if you could do it?




  1. Only if I was a dumb indoctrinated liberal drone.

  2. Oh, you said "spit". No, I wouldn't "spit" on them..............

  3. Not worth the trouble.     ANY of those sapsuckers in Washington eating up our tax dollars and doing nothing constructive.

  4. Oh I think there are better ways to make a point than by spitting.

    If I could have reign over all politicians (not just those at the federal level) who say out of one side of their mouth that they are doing something for the benefit of "the people" (which is what they were elected to do), but are, in reality, doing whatever it is to line their pockets with more money, here is what I would do:

        1. Have each of them take a series of

            tests to gauge their personality, skill

            level, etc. (like normal people have

            to take to get several jobs)

        2. Have each of them have to shop for

            their own insurance coverages for

            health, auto, home, etc.

        3. Put each of them in a minimum wage

             job based on the tests they took in 1.

        4. Have each of them apply for a home

            mortgage based on their minimum

            wage job.

        5. Let those who get caught in the "Catch

             22" of a downsizing on their job go

             through the red tape of Unemployment

             Insurance & all it involves.

    They would have to do all of the above for the full term of their elected office.

    I think if those "in power" had to lead the life they proscribe for all the rest of the people they would make different decisions.

    Better yet, instead of having the majority of our politicians be those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth & have lived with plenty of money all their life, let each of us, who are truly more representative of the majority, run for office without all the money needed for campaigns (we would have to vote for campaign reform & limits on money spending), get elected, work on issues that address the real needs of everyday people instead of all the pork barrel projects that current politicians do & start turning this country around.

    I'll run for office if you do.  What do you say?

  5. i would be dehydrated in no time if i spat on all that i dont agree with

    And it is a rather base gesture

    like what a thug or an infant would do.

  6. He'd probably like it, what with Cheny and all.

  7. A total waste of my spit. I need it more than they do, so my mouth doesn't run dry while I correct their mistakes, ie entrepreneur is a French word, its you (Bush) that does not have a word for entrepreneur.

  8. Yes, and I'm not a dumb indoctrinated liberal clone. I'm a redneck hillbilly from the Rocky Mountain west. Bush and his lackeys are destroying the wild places to placate the businessmen who purchased their offices.

  9. Hey, is that proper ediquette? I wont spit on a bug, so why would I spit on bush?

  10. No

  11. That would lead to an assault charge.........

  12. I never was a good spitter!

    Spitting would be the least of their worries if I had my way however!

    Do not think that I encourage or condone violence in any way!

    But a good swift 'kick up their backside' would not only be satisfying, but well justified!

  13. No.

    Would you go around spitting on those with whom you disagree?

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