
Would you stand up...?

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...for a pregnant woman on a bus or train? If not, why not?




  1. Being female, my order to give up a seat is:

    People with crutches/injuries

    Pregnant women


    If I were a man, I would give it up to women as well.

  2. Yes, I would or anybody that looked like they needed my seat more than me.  I wouldn't like it, but it is only common courtesy.

  3. Yes of course.

    i don't know why but i do this even for aged people because i just can't see them standing in there.i offer them my seat. i love to see their thankful eyes and feel proud.

  4. Absolutely.  I am a young man, and I'd be rude not to.  Especially if she's clearly pregnant - people should care for the health of the child.

  5. Yes I would so they can rest their feet.

  6. Definitely i practise that. It is not just about being Ethical.. It is being HUMAN

  7. Yes, of course!!

    Also, I would stand up for all races women who are pregnant.

  8. yes i wud.

  9. Yes.

  10. yes, i would becoz  a little humanity is left in me

  11. honestly, no. but i'd scoot over so we can share the seat.

  12. yes, will do and normally do

  13. Yes I would stand, and have stood.

  14. Of course I would and I quite often do.   Unless the person sitting has some disability which renders them unable to stand (or they are also pregnant), then people should have manners and offer up their seat to anyone less able to stand.

  15. yes for any woman not only for pregnant woman.

    I am sympathetic towards expectant mothers.

  16. ya, I'll do. Any person who is fit to be called a human being will stand to give space to a pregnant woman, as the motherhood must always be respected.

  17. Yes I have done it and will continue to do it, because I guess it is not easy being pregnant besides they could get hurt when the bus makes a sudden stop you never know!!!.
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