
Would you stare down on someone for having a skin disorder?

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or talk bad about someone with a skin disorder?

Well this girl did

I have no ideal who she is, i just know shes really sick.




  1. no i would never! that is just cruel to make fun of someone who is sick. they cannot help it.

  2. No and I would not stare down someone for being stupid or for asking stupid questions.

  3. Absolutely not.  People forget that karma rules life and those who do good get good in return 150% and those who do bad get bad in return 150%.  People who are miserable and unhappy do and say things and "act out" for attention in the most unappropirate ways because they seek attention so badly.  Most of the time their selfish and ugly ways have cost them most of their friendships and relationships already in their lives and they are hanging for dear life with the few people they have left in their life and are so far "out of touch" with the real world that they don't even know how to act correctly.  The best thing to remember is that what goes around......always comes right back around.

    Peace & Love  :)

  4. No because someday it might be you who has a visual imperfection. Just be well mannered and treat them as you would treat anyone else. With respect and dignity!

  5. No.Making fun of sick people is awful.

  6. No, making fun of ill people (who likely did nothing to deserve their condition) is about as low life as you can possibly get.

  7. Making fun of sick people?

    Those people who make fun of them or talking about them are low life!

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