
Would you start a protest about gas?

by  |  earlier

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I know i would do that. Im sick and tried of gas prices.Back trhen gas was only 53 cents.




  1. Sure, but you're not going to get anywhere.

  2. yeah!!!! thats a great idea, Why dont we all drive to a certain location and demand something be cheap that the entire world wants to control. We can start a riot even just to show we mean buisness!  If its in California, I will drive my big SUV and get myself ticked all the way there as I fill up on these prices just to make my point.       Or, quit whining and find a diffrent way that is cheaper to fit your needs.  I got rid of my car because I realized I didnt need one.    I did my part.......what are you going to do

  3. I agree with that guy ^^^^;...

  4. NO ! as Gas or Petrol as its know in UK is too cheap even now considering its a contributer to global warming (Carbon Tax should be paid) and that the worlds Oil is rapidly running out. in the UK its over $12/gallon.

    Rather than protest over its cost why not do something useful and buy a more economical vehicle then the price of gas is less important!

  5. This going to be an awfully unpopular answer, but no, I wouldn't.

    The hard truth is that America has enjoyed low gas prices for so long we took it all for granted. We have 5% of the world population, but we consume 25% of the oil the world produces each year. Now China and India are catching up with us.

    Europe has dealt with higher gas prices for decades (our gas is still cheaper than theirs) and they adapted because they had to. Smaller, more fuel efficient cars, a mass transportation system utilized by many people, all came about because of fuel prices.

    America will need to do the same, because gas simply is not going back to a $1 a gallon ever, ever again. Those days are done. We have to adapt to that. I'm no fan of the oil companies at all. But if we have to say good-bye to the SUV and hello to a high speed rail system, I say let's do it. We can either choose to do it now or be forced to do it later.

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