
Would you stay in a s*x-less marriage?

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Would you stay in a s*x-less marriage?




  1. Of course!  We marry for better or worse and if a spouse becomes unable to "perform" then so be it!

    It's the love in your heart that is most important in a marriage.

  2. no, it is a very important part of your relationship.  you need to speak up or get out.

  3. we need to know how long you had been married, how old are you and him, is he sick or just not interested in s*x, could it be you the reason?

  4. No...If I did stay, I'd have me a couple of side women..Just keeping it real.

  5. When u ask this I presume u are young. Yes then it is important.But it is s*x less cause spouse is away on job, he is seriously ill or he is unable to perform?If he is unable to perform then see a sexologist, andrologist, counselor etc. I am sure a solution can be found.If you can specify the problem then solution exists.Act and dont suffer in silence.

  6. Nope.

  7. No it wouldn't be healthy, it would be frustrating and lead to anger and resentment.    

  8. Was there s*x before the marriage? I mean a decent amount of s* you think your partner is just not having s*x with you and is with others? Was there LOVE before the marriage or did you marry too fast because of the physical attraction?

    You don't give any reasons why YOU think the s*x doesn't happen any more. You don't say that you or the spouse have all of a sudden had a lot of extra work stresses or that you may recently have had a child, or other family interferences, like an in law showing up on your doorstep who needs to move in for a month or two. You don't say if there have been health issues, mental health issues. At this point your question seems to be the equivalent of asking a child why they left the messy mac n cheese on the floor and they didn't clean it up and their reply is "because".

    What this depends on is how long you've been married, how long you knew eachother before you got married, how often you had s*x before, then during the marriage and how much communication you had before, during and after you got married. If you really love your spouse, think of your marriage vows and your answer will come. If your form of communication was not being able to keep your hands off eachother and tearing eachothers clothes off everytime you saw one another then you need to know that your titanic has hit the bottom of the ocean. As for whether I would stay in a sexless marriage, I think you already know my answer~    

  9. Tell us what you haven't shared so far !!!

    We need to know why it's sexless and why you think you should leave.......

  10. s*x isn't everything.  I don't dispute that it helps a relationship, but it doesn't necessarily MAKE the relationship, either.  I suppose it depends on the person.

    As for me, yes, I'd stay, if I really loved my spouse.  If there's no love, there's no point in staying, is there?

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!

  11. Not unless it was caused by some kind of horrible accident or something. If it was by choice that the marriage was s*x-less then no. s*x is quite important  to me.  

  12. There's more to marriage than s*x. But..... I think it would be hard if it's sexless "just cuz".  

  13. I am. My husband is very sick and I love him with all my heart. Yes, having s*x with him would be great but sometimes you have to take matters into you own hands.

  14. NO way!!!!!

    If we dont do it twice a day I'm gonna be upset

    i'm young and virile

    i need it!!!!

  15. My ex and I were married nine years. The last 7 we slept in separate bedrooms, sans s*x. I left him not because of that, because he never kissed me, or held my hand, or even hugged me. He talked to me like I was worthless and stupid, and I had enough.

  16. H



  17. No.  Either leave or get s*x an the outside.  Gotta have it.  Gimme.

  18. Depends on why it is s*x-less... Sometimes there is a medical reason or other very serious reason and then I wouldn't but if it was just because my partner decided they just didn't want to, wasn't attracted to me anymore, getting it else where etc then I probably would move on...

  19. I lived it.

    I would get involved in work or other activities(not other women).

    In time, without the intimacy we slowly grew apart. Then, over 9 years the bickering progressed. No matter what I tried there wasn't that special attachment between a man and a woman. She finally left. Neither of us had some condition keeping us from having s*x. Prior to this relationship I'd been with a woman who "needed" almost daily. I'm still very interested and I think I'm very understanding.

    s*x is natural and important. With a few exceptions, a man and a woman should want to give willingly to each other.

    There is the right person for eveyone - including those who don't prefer s*x in a relationship.

    It just didn't work for us.

  20. No!  Hot s*x is extremely important to me!  Some people are more sexual than others!  Thank God!  We both enjoy this to the Max!  My s*x life is not 100% perfect, but we still manage to make it hot daily!  

  21. Only if he was sickeningly rich and agreed to an open marriage.

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