
Would you stay somewhere to be with the one you love?

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I am away from my family right now and have been for the past 2 years. I met someone 10 months ago and we fell in love, he is great. However, I don't like my job and I miss my family. I don't want to leave him, should I stay? He has everything here, his family, friends..

I am 26 btw... thanks




  1. If you see a future with this man, I'd stay.  Find another job...that's the easy part...visit family when you can.  If this man is the one for you, then stay.  If not, go home.  

  2. I know how you feel.  It sucks being away from family and friends.  My fiance is in the military so we are living far away from both of our families.  But....even though I miss them, I would not leave him.  He is my priority.  When you are committed to someone, you stay even in situations that aren't the best.  (Hints "for better or for worse")   True love is hard to come by and if you really see yourself with this man forever, stick it out.  Maybe go home and visit since you are homesick, but don't leave permanently.  If you are that unhappy with your job, look for a new one.  If you truly feel that he is the "one", don't give him up.  

  3. In a relationship, you have to make sacrifices. You BOTH need to make sacrifices not just you. Maybe you can try convincing him to move with you back. If not, then take a vacation to visit your family. If you love him, then all of your worries and homesickness should go away. But definitely visit your family.  

  4. This is a tough choice and you have to figure out what you want in life.  Do you still want to be with your boyfriend?  Would you rather break it off with him and move home?  If you are completely miserable where you are, then move home.  But if you want to be with your boyfriend then you should stay where you are.  Do whatever is going to make you the happiest in the long run.

  5. I'm about to move far away from my family to be with a man I fell in love with, and your situation is what I am afraid of.  I'm not sure if this helps, but if I go there and my job sucks... I can always change jobs or companies [[and so can you]].  If I miss my family, they're only a plane ticket away.

    Talk to him about it.  I'm sure he can find ways to make you happier there.

  6. Yes, i would stay. You can still see your family, && if you don't like your job try to find a new one.

  7. Depends on how important your relationship is. Can you see yourself getting married? I left my job and moved 1700 miles away from my family to be with the one I would marry. It's hard, but I had to choose between bad and worse.

  8. Yes I would. To me love is more important than everything else. If you don't like your job, there are lots of other jobs, if you don't have friends there go make some. True love is not quite that easy to find.

  9. If he is the man that I know I would spend the rest of my life with Yes I would stay.

    I met him at 19, it was about10 months that I decided he was the one. I dropped everything to be with him. I had no friends, hardly contacted my family, he had everything, but I had everything I ever needed as well which was him. He realized how unhappy I was with our living situation. I love his family to death but it didn't seem as though our life was progressing the way it should so he agreed to move back to my hometown after me living there close to 3 years. Any longer I would have gone crazy, his town isn't like mine and it was hard getting used to. Now we are in my town which we are both happy with and life is progressing the way it should. Now at 27, I am glad to have made the decisions I made back then. If I didn't I wouldn't be with the greatest love of all.

  10. if it was meant to be he'll come back to you but my word is go home they need you more than he does

  11. nope..

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