
Would you still be friends with someone if you knew they had abandoned their sick spouse and their kids?

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In order to shack up with someone half their age? Would you still be friends if you then found out they'd married this person without first getting a divorce? if yes, why?




  1. there are many reasons why people do the things they do life is multi faceted and not always what it seems people have there reasons everyone needs friends and who are you to judge the action of another

  2. no way, because that friend is very very selfish... she put her own needs before that of her spouse and kids... she didn't take her vows seriously enough to stand through sickness and health..

    shame on her.

  3. They couldn't have married this other person while still being married.  

    No, I wouldn't want to be their friend.  Poopy head.

  4. Friends come in all forms. You can't be judgemental. Everyone has his or her flaws.

    Ok, so you think what she did is not right to you. Talk to her and find out what really is going on in her life and mind. Perhaps she needs help in facing and dealing with problems.

    Let her know what you think of her actions and why you can't accept them.

    You are still friends.  

  5. Would you eat lead paint chips, if I had told you that these are the best tasting chips in the world. DAAAA

  6. Wow. Well for one thing, the marriage isn't legal if the other person didn't divorce their previous spouse. That nullifies the marriage right there.

    No, I couldn't be friends with someone like that. I'm sure the going got tough, but that's not an excuse to run out and cheat. To leave behind kids with a sick spouse is pretty heartless and cruel. As if being a kid isn't hard enough...

  7. I couldn't stay friends with someone who is too busy messing around.  You know the saying "you are what you hang out with"  I feel bad for the family!!

  8. I don't think I would associate with them. I don't know if I have the right to judge them, but I sure don't have to like what they did. I also have the right to voice my opinion.

  9. Shun them til they see sense.

  10. h**l no what a *****

  11. h**l no!  If this person could stab their own family in the back....God only knows what they could or would do to me in the future....

  12. I have better taste in friends.................I hope you do too♥

  13. NOPE

  14. You know this person - are they selfish and horrible?  Or were they at their wits ends, confused, stressed?

    Your reaction should be that you do not approve of their abandoning their family at a time of need no matter what the reason.  Then you have to decide if they are still a friend.  But you should appreciate how difficult it is to look after someone who is sick without any support.  Did they have any support from other family members/friends?

    Its a tough one but if they are selfish and horrible then I would ditch them as a friend

  15. No because they will abandon you and hurt you as well. You do NOT need friends like that.  

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