
Would you still believe in global warming if it meant a ban on carbonated soft drinks?

by Guest58842  |  earlier

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Carbonated soft drinks release tons of CO2 in the air.

Believing in global warming and drinking carbonated drinks seems hypocritical.




  1. I hope that you are simply very confused and/or ignorant although your final statment suggests otherwise, in which case you belong to "a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change. They are often misrepresenting the science. [This is] irresponsible and dangerous."

    - the Royal Society

    Please! No one has ever suggested that CO2 emissions from soft drinks is related to climate change (hence your inability to produce a source for this statement).

  2. The main problem is in the manufacturing process.  Almost certainly we will be making changes in the way we do business as a result of this phenomenon.

    I'm trying to make a lot of positive changes in my life.  Since soda isn't good for you, I'd have very little problem giving it up.

  3. Richard B said it pretty well.  The scientific evidence for AGW is the same regardless of how we feel about giving up things that release that CO2.

  4. Yes, my fondness for soda-pop has no effect on the truth (if what you wrote were true).   It is wrong to let hedonism affect my interpretation of SCIENTIFIC matters (cough cough SUV drivers).  Your question does well to demonstrate the continuing problems many skeptics are having differentiating between their preferences and actual evidence.  I don't have that problem.

  5. Technically the c02 used in soft drinks is a byproduct of beer making if it wasn't used in soft drink it would probably be released back into the atmosphere so if you are serious, beer is actually much worse as only some of the c02 it produces is used for soft drink. But as the source of beer is hops (a plant) there is actually little net effect on c02 as the next seasons hops absorb as much c02 again.

  6. there arises no question or link between the 2.

    carbonated soft drinks can have no adverse effects as the global warming gases i.e., CO2.

  7. well my plants seem to like it , and i dont belive it now ,so no .

  8. Wow! Haven't you been paying attention to the 'debate'? The whole issue is about the release of FOSSILIZED carbon from the use of FOSSIL FUELS!  The CO2 in soda comes from the CO2 already found in the atmosphere. It doesn't add to the total concentrations in the atmosphere!

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