
Would you still call a women mother after she kills her own baby?

by  |  earlier

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i was referring to the brazillian woman who had four children already and killed her fifth just hide her pregnancy i was just worried what type of a mother she would be to the other four it happend on oct 06 and by God miracle the baby survived even aftre 24 hours of being burried in mud




  1. nope but i would call her murder.

  2. Ok, I've edited my answer since you specified what you mean. Just the idea of it gives me the creeps. I don't know what kind of mother does that. I don't want to judge but when you hear of things like this you're left with your mouth hanging open...

  3. no i would call her a child killer

  4. no i would call her something that i can't repeat on hear!!!!

  5. murderer

  6. Definately not.

  7. Technically, yes. She has been and always will be a mother. As for burying your own child, I have no idea what would be the best "nametag" for her. I can't imagine being so callous. I would prefer a link to look at so that I could give you a better answer.

  8. No.

  9. No but im sure the question has more to it than it was simply put,what are the facts??

  10. I think that the children should have a certain amount of respect for their own mother no matter what. This doesn't mean that they shouldn't feel different about her for what she did, but I hate to hear of children who hate and disrespect their parents for the sins/mistakes they've made. Now outsiders like myself would call her a murder who deserves any punishment God sees fit. For the children's well being, she shouldn't have them full time without supervision.

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