
Would you still eat it???

by  |  earlier

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I have a store bought cheesecake that was accidently left out of the fridge from about 10:30 pm to 7:30 am, should I throw it out or do you think it is safe? It was reeaaallyyy good too :(

Thank You :)-




  1. ice cream

  2. i would but chill it first. after its chilled and you try the next slice, then decide if you should throw it out. it might be better tasting you never know

  3. Toss it....Why take chances and stand over the toilet bowl for hours. I'm sure you have better things to do with your time.

  4. I've seen my husband get sick from food twice this past year, he threw up for about 8 hours each time.  It's not worth it, trust me, just toss it and get a new one.  

  5. There's a big chance it's not safe because it was out of the fridge far too long.  I'd toss it.  My family's health is worth more than a cheesecake.

  6. I've done that myself and it was fine. Does it look the same or dried out? If it looks ok, take a little taste, you should be able to tell. If it tastes ok, have some (cheesecake tastes best at room temperature) then refrigerate. Try to finish it faster than you normally would as it might not last as long. Save a slice for me!

  7. refrigerate it and then see how it is before you eat a slice

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