
Would you still support Obama if...?

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If you were the only person financially responsible for paying for his "idea" of "change"? If you and only you had to bear the financial burden of his health care plan? How many of you would be chanting "hope, change, future" if all the money was coming out of your pocket and your's alone?




  1. Now, that is "change" in which I can believe.

  2. I don't support Obama and his socialist ideas.  Some people in this country still believe in personal responsibility, but with the support he is receiving, I am starting to wonder how many.

  3. I wouldn't support him for any reason, at any time, anywhere.....

  4. that is a provocative question, and as usual, obama supporters give their usual responses rather than think about the premise.

    i do not support Obama because of his policies.  i have lived through numerous elections, this is not a unique situation.

    McGovern ran an anit-war campaign, he pledged to bring

    the troops home. he pruporsed deep cuts in the military

    budget, higher corporate taxes.

    he said that he supported his vp choice,"... behind Eagleton 1000 percent"; then dummped his chosen running mate, Thomas Eagleton, and threw him under the bus for political expedience.

    he brought in lot of new voters mostly among college students. they also treated McGovern like a rock star and campaigned enthusiastically for him.

    McGovern is often blamed for taking a Democratic Party that

    represented the working man and refashioning it into a party

    of blacks, women, g**s, environmentalists, college professors, criminals, movie stars, software engineers and personal-injury lawyers. this historically changed the Democratic party to a even more socialist party.

    Barack Obama is farther to the left than Gorge McGovern.

    McGovern advocated retreat from an enemy who had neither

    struck at the U.S. (al Qaeda in Iraq is a franchise of

    al Qaeda) nor which threatened to stage future direct

    attacks on America and its allies. Obama's retreatism

    is far more dangerous to the lives of Americans than

    McGovern's, though the policies of both would lead to

    wholesale slaughter of regional populations.

    What gave me real Daja Vu was to hear Obama drag out the failed foreign policites of Jimmy Carter. it seems that Mr. Obama has drawn his 'innovative' policies from two of the most liberal, anti-American members of the far left democratic party. let's hope that his supporters wake up and realize that Mr. Obama will change their lives but not for the better.

  5. J, I know a lot of people in Canada that take every chance they can get to come here to the US for health care because the waits are so long. Do you want the same for us?  As for the child need chemo, I don't have the $2,500 extra a year to spare, but I would still want to help that child.  And guess what? I can via my donations to Children's Miracle Network and St. Jude's.  I try to help as much as I can.

    As for Joey's question, h**l no!

  6. The people that support Obama don't understand what his "change" really means... higher taxes, bigger government spending, socialized medicine (waiting months to see a specialist doctor) and on and on... that's how he's attracted uneducated voters and college kids that no nothing about the real world.. by coming up with the "change" advertising campaign. He's a slim ball with terrorist connections. Love how no one addresses that.

  7. they find out exactly that if he by some odd chance happened to

  8. Nope

  9. Yes - your right-wing smears notwithstanding - I will continue to support Obama both with my work and my money.

  10. Depends.  Mind you, where in his proposals is that mentioned?

    "Obama has proposed a national insurance program to allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health care similar to that available to federal employees, funded by a tax on employers who don't provide coverage. Individuals would not lose coverage when they switch jobs.

    He would lower premiums through a program that would reduce the exposure of employer health plans to costs of a catastrophic illness. Drug costs would be lowered by allowing patients to buy drugs from abroad and letting the government negotiate for lower prices."

  11. knc- But aren't a lot of Obama supporters college-educated?

  12. That is a silly question.

    No one as an individual would want to be shouldered with that.

    Impossible to answer, except in the negative.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  13. Nothing could make me support Obama.

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