
Would you still trust and believe a person, ....?

by  |  earlier

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...who is/was a good friend of you, but lied to you or even lied about you in the past?!?




  1. yea, because i generally dont get mad at people at all for things like that, escpecially if they are my closest friend.

  2. I've been in the same position as you, and it really depends on this friend, do they feel remorse about it?  If so, chances are that they've changed and truly regret what they've done.  If not, then you're probably better off without them.

    you yourself will know better than anyone who answers this question because you know the person, remember it's not completely what a person does that defines them, it's how they react to being found out - a sorry person who admits it and promises not to repeat it is probably a good friend who made mistakes, a person who comes up with ten thousand excuses is someone you want to avoid as they're childish and cannot handle the responsibility of their actions. :)

  3. well I did this in my first term of presidency and see I was reelected. Okay we had a little problem with coutning the votes but since our educational system here in the States is not that good....

  4. i know how you feel, also been in that position. it does depend on the lie, something fairly small i don't think about, we all lie at some time but if its  a major lie, a breaking of something fundamental in the relationship, then you lose your faith in the person. it means you cannot see them in the same light. You find that suddenly the person is not who you thought they were, and then it is a very different matter. for instance unfaithfulness in a relationship. Or  a major lie that puts your relationship with a third person in jeopardy

    i forgive but i cant trust them again, i have tried but i just cant.

    i guess trust is such a fragile thing that once its broken it's very hard to mend.

    now i just take the attitude that i enjoy their company but accept that the relationship will never actually be the same again.

  5. When that trust is broken, it is dead and gone and can never be mended again no matter how hard you try or the other person does, it won't be the same

  6. yes , because I'll make faults too

  7. It would be dependent on the lie.  If it was something that hurt me in someway, then no - I would not believe in the person.  

    For Eg. If it was a circumstance where the person may have been embarrassed to tell me the truth - I would not fault the person for that.

    I am sure there are other reasons where I would forgive depending on what the reasoning behind it was.

    But, if it was something that I was actually looking for an answer and I asked my friend about it, then no I would not be able to trust and believe them again if they lied.

    Trust is so hard to earn, when it is broken - it can never be mended 100%.

  8. Agree with eman & hasafer,

  9. I can forgive but never forget !!

  10. No, of course not. I could forgive a little white lie "to" me under certain circumstances, but I could never forgive a lie "about" me. When one lies, it whittles away their credibility, so no I could not believe what they said later. Like the old saying goes, I'd take it with a grain of salt.

  11. How could I,for me trust is the one of the foundation blocks of a friendship.

    It is also the mortar that binds together the bricks of "the friendship house" and without it the walls will crumble and fall over at the next strong wind.

    To lie is bad enough, but to lie about a person who calls you their friend is unforgivable, and knowing that person I had called "my friend" has also lied about me in the past is treachery.

    I am afraid it would more than likely end my friendship with them, for I could never,ever pretend it hadn't happened.

    How could I ever put my trust in a person who betrayed me not just once, but twice.....and that is the times you are aware of.

    No,they don't deserve your forgiveness,your friendship or even your time and will most likely end up a very sad and lonely person.

    Personally everytime I looked at them I would just be reminded again of their deception and betrayal.

    There is a vast difference between a deceptive vengeful lie and exaggeration or distortion of the truth, a so called "white lie"

    These do occur,but from experience I have found it is always best to say to the person involved that "Hey,I told such and such you did so and so"! As long as their motive was not vengeful or negative I can except that,as can most reasonalbe adults even if it may hurt a bit being" talked about" in a less than honest way,but it does happen as none of us are saints..

  12. Alissar,

    Everyone is a human being,and human beings are prone to making mistakes,and sinning,including telling lies.Even good people lie occasionally,this is wrong,but it does happen.None of us are without imperfection,and none of us are good all the time,the only one whom is perfect is God.We should do our best in life to tell the truth at all costs,we should never live a lifestyle of lies,but always be truthful.There are people who become habitual and compulsive liars and everyone around them catches on to them sooner or later.Because lies are always exposed and brought into the light,its impossible for a lie to last forever because simply truth is eternal and lies never last.

    If someone I cared about lied to me,and they came to me apologized and told me the truth,I would most likely forgive them.

    An occasional mistake such as a lie,can be forgiven,of course it does depend on the nature of the lie,if it is a big lie that caused harm to the relationship,then the damage may be severe enough where the trust has been deeply affected.However I disagree that trust cannot ever be rebuilt,because we are humans,and must forgive each other just as God forgives us.

  13. no dear ..

    i already have very little trust and faith in the human kind .. i can't stand lies at all ...

    but anyone who would do that is not my friend in the first place .. hamdellah i know how to choose my friends ...

  14. sorry no,unless i feel tht this person don't mean it if this person mean this i don't trust any more.

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