
Would you still vote for a new pres. if you didn't like ANY of the canidates? Why or why not?

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If you don't like any of them why would you even participate?




  1. If I did not like any of the candidates, I would vote the candidate chosen by the party of my choice and hope for the best !  But luckily that is not the case, I have a candidate and his name is Mike Huckabee, Republican from the state of Arkansas.

  2. I vote because I am a responsible citizen.  It has been unfortunate that I have voted for the lesser of two evils many times.  If you don't vote, then you have no right to say anything at all.  Wouldn't it be a great world if I had a hard time making up my mind between the two wonderful candidates.  Anytime you don't like what's going on, you have a responsiblity to get involved and do whatever you can. . .otherwise it's your fault.

  3. Yes. It is my civic duty to vote, and I do not wish to loose that privilege. Rarely would I vote against someone, but as things look now, I will vote against one someone next year, assuming she is still running.

  4. I would. Because if I knew that I was going to HAVE TO see the SAME face in my Newspaper, or my TV, or on the Internet news sites for the next 4 to 8 years- I'd want to see a face I could STAND to look at. :)

  5. Yes, I would!  If I didn't like the current candidates, I would vote for the one person who would do the best job!

  6. Vote for the one you least dislike. It is tempting to say "why bother, because none of them really fix anything." But, if we all stop voting, then the rich elite who manipulate our governments have a reason to convince everyone that our freedom of choice is not being used, so lets just take it away. In the end we have dictatorship. I know it seems like we are losing our freedoms gradually anyway, but don't let that cause you to give up and forfeit your right to at least have some say in what happens around you.

  7. I would, just to keep the vote away from the other person, you never know how the rest of the people are thinking so I would pick the one that I hated less and vote for them.

    Your vote can make a difference

  8. No.  I didn't vote in 2000, 2004 and probably won't vote in 2008 if this campaign so far is any indication.  I will vote when I feel there is someone to vote FOR.  I refuse to go to the polls just to vote AGAINST someone.

    Look at it this way.  If there were only one candidate running, would you vote to have him/her in office, or to have no one?  If you would vote to have no one rather than any of the people who are running, you shouldn't be voting.

    They say if you don't vote, you can't complain.  But I say, complaining is useless anyway, and somehow, people saying this doesn't actually stop anyone from complaining.  If you vote for somebody you don't like, you're making your vote worthless.  If and when I vote, my vote will actually mean something.

  9. I will proudly vote for Dr Ron Paul whether he wins the R nomination or not.

  10. Hello,

    This is quite a difficult question...  Often times there are numerous lesser known candidates that disgruntled voters turn to when they don't like the main stream candidates.  Take Ralph Nader and the '04 election for example.

    If there were truly no candidates to my liking, yes, I would still vote.  It is unfortunate but often times we must choose "the lesser of the two evils".  Better to vote for someone rather than no one at all.

    Hope this is of help to you.

  11. Yeah, I'm always going to like one better than the others.  Or, to look at it a different way, hate them less.  Just have to choose the best of the bad possibilities.

  12. no. no point having someone you dont like run the country. vote "none of the above" and demand a re-election

  13. Yes I would. One of the candidates is going to be better than the other even if neither, or none, is ideal.

    Part of becoming a mature citizen is making choices even when you don't have your best choice avaliable. (If we all got what we wanted all the time, you wouldn't see any cars on the roads but Lamborghinis and Hummers, I guess).

  14. Yes I would still try to vote for the better one of my choices.

  15. I may not LIKE any one of them but I find it very difficult to believe that I would ever have no preference at all.

    So yes I would still vote for the lesser of the evils.

  16. If you don't vote, then don't complain

  17. I would vote for anyone who isn't a democrat, but I already have a candidate. Fred Thompson is the man I will vote for.

  18. Yes, I vote Democratic... almost exclusively.

    Because if you don't participate, then the system doesn't get a chance to work.

  19. I will vote, and have voted in every election since I was old enough to vote.

    I will vote for the candidate(s) that best represent the ideals I stand for. Like or dislike has no bearing on my vote.

  20. That is how Bush won stupid people voting for their party not for the person.  Vote for the best person to run the country.

  21. ive never like any options except bill clinton -

    i would say we always have to vote for the lesser evil in the situation -

  22. I would vote. There shouldbe someone who is slightly better than the rest, even if not perfect. I would vote for a third party candidate or even write someone in. I think we live in one of the best nations on this planet. The people get to chose who runs the country. It is sad that there is always such a low voter turn out. I will do my best to find out who the best candidate is, and I will vote for them. Even if it is just the best of the worst.

  23. because at this point any president would be better then bush at this point

  24. i  am sure there is someone you just absolutley hate for this position, vote against him/her. voteing is your right, you should  excersise it no matter.

  25. Yes.  The the end of the day you have to like 1 candidate more then the others.  Stack the deck in your favor and do your duty, vote.

  26. The old president cannot run anymore.

    Long live the new regime; hopefully, with a Democrat in office.

  27. I would vote, because of a 'lesser of the evils' sort of stance. It's always a bunch of douchebags, because they're the only ones who suck up enough to get that far. Every president is corrupt in some way. Otherwise, not enough people would like them. There was a Southpark episode in season 8 about this. Watch it. Vote, and salvage as much of this country as you can.

  28. but ofcourse!

    as a citizen of my country, it is my duty to elect atleast, the best i know who can rule and serve the best for my fellow countrymen.

    even though i both dislike the electibles, i would still assert and try to look for the least evil if possible.

    for every voite counts.

    one vote can change the fate of my country, though unnoticable yes, but looking at microlevel, it do contributes A LOT.

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