
Would you stop eating meat if it would save the world?

by Guest60865  |  earlier

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Would you stop eating meat if it would save our environment?




  1. I already don't ..

  2. yes

  3. I don't eat meant anyway.

    But I don't think that would save the world.

  4. Yes, but that is not going to help.

  5. most deffinatly i love animals and i want to save our planet call me a nature freak but watev!!!!!!

  6. Even though it's really unlikely to happen, I wouldn't.

    I'd rather enjoy my life and let human intelligence take care of the environment.

  7. No, but it won't so who cares.

  8. Of course that question is totally hypothetical and based on two underlying assumptions; that the world will be destroyed if I do not stop eating meat and that if I and I alone stop eating meat that the world would be saved. If those two absurd assumptions were true, then I would stop. But they aren't, so I won't.

    I learned in a class on symbolic logic that you can prove anything by starting with a false premise. You have started with two.

  9. It would, but I won't. Im going to go have a ham sandwich.

  10. NOPE

  11. How would it help the save the world? I thought cow farts were a problem so eating cows seems like a good thing to me. We need more green so stop eating veggies that would help more.

  12. Of course...I'm becoming a part time vegetarian!

  13. NO!

    Veal, venison, chicken, etc - all taste too d**n good grilled to give up....................

  14. YES!

  15. mayb.......

  16. I would definately stop eating meat, if it were to save our environment. Much of the land used to raise livestock is ruined to poor waste management. And it takes so much water to water the crops (as food for livestock) and for livestock to drink.

  17. Only if other animals stop eating meat also (lions, wolves, bears, etc. etc.)

  18. Sure.  I would do that if it was a guarentee.  I can deal with tofu.  And I can still eat cheese, right?  If you would have said cheese...well, I might have to let the world burn for cheese...


  20. Save it from what?  Everybody wants to be saved and get saved and save things.  I'm not convinced anyone or anything needs saving.

  21. yes, I would. I wouldn't like it, but I would.

  22. What would I do if pigs could fly?

    Now my culture defines that we must eat meat if only to ensure that herbivores do not overpopulate and overgraze the whole planet... Well, we could just let the herbivores overpopulate to the point of starvation, consign the animals to be eaten by other carnivores no kinder in their slaughter methods, or poison them when they crash into our gardens, as they will when starved.

    But none of those options are more ethical than eating them.

  23. I would die.  I am one who requires whole proteins.  I have yet to see a really healthy older vegetarian.  The ones I know have not lived so long as carnivore humans or else have had to have major organs replaced.  I am not convinced that vegetarianism is totally healthy for humans. not eating meat will not save the world or our environment.  That is sort of a fantasy question.

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