
Would you stop to help an injured dog?

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My husband and I stopped to help an injured dog. We turned our flashers on, so that no one else would hit him, and tried to see how badly he was hurt (he looked fine except that he was lying in the middle of the road). Another woman (with a large truck) also had her flashers on and she'd called the humane society so we were waiting on them. Anyway while we were standing there a 16 yr. old kid slammed into our car and totalled it. We were very blessed that he hit the car at an angle so it went into the ladies truck otherwise it would have kept going and killed all of us (the idiot didn't even try to break). I've since been told that it is unadvisable to stop for wounded animals as this sort of thing happens alot.

So, knowing this, would you stop to help an injured dog in the middle of the road?




  1. I for one would stop for injured dog or cat  and yes accidents like that all the time people don't think ahead and a 16 yr old has no brains anyhow??

  2. Yes, I would and have helped many injured animals over the many years I have been alive and most likely will continue to do so.

  3. I don't care. I would stop to help an injured animal. I might try to move it though to get it out of harm's way. I hope that kid lost his license because he doesn't deserve the privilege. If he was my son, he would have lost the car. I would have punished him severely for his irresponsibility. I'm so glad that you all were not killed.  

    My mom stopped for a family of ducks like all of the other drivers on the divided highway (busy shopping area, lots of traffic lights). This stupid hispanic driver slammed into us. He had plenty of time to stop. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw him. He didn't think we should have stopped. He had the nerve to ask to borrow my cell phone which I reluctantly did but I reamed him for his behavior. We called the police. We had other drivers waiting with us. The family of ducks were fine. His license said VT and it wasn't even his car. I think he was illegal because his license didn't look quite right. I'm not an expert but it looked like it had been through a lot.

    I would say in the future to do what you can to be safe because those drivers are out there that are only about themselves and no one else. How he got his license is news to me but he must be able to lie well.

  4. If the animal is big enough to cause an accident by sitting in the road:

    Stop, hazards on and kick/push/scare it out of the way. If it's badly injured, take a shotgun and stick two barrels through it's head. It will thrash as the brain dies first, and then you can move it. You cannot take it away with you as it would be poaching.

    If it's not big enough to warrent the above, it is dangerous and stupid to bother. Phone the RSPCA and let them risk THEIR lives for a dead dog.

  5. Depends on what kind of road...If on a highway, definitely not, since most animal fatalities are because the animal jumped out of the moving vehicle - the driver should be shot...If I can render aid without putting myself or others in danger, then I would...Bottom line is if I do stop, especially on a blind curve or a place with limited visibility, I would make sure that enough warning is given back up the road to let approaching drivers know to slow down.

  6. depends on the road I'm on! The time, and If I have my kids in the car. But the biggest thing is if this dog is going to make it can you afford the bill? If you take that do to the animal hospital it is YOUR bill. Now it seems a bit harsh Im a dog lover and I have 6 dogs. The only time I would stop if I noticed a collar so I could call the owner. Now someone will always stop! If the dog is still alive you know someone will stop I see it all the time.

  7. Yes, but I wouldn't leave my truck in the lanes of traffic, instead I'd put the dog on a blanket or tarp and carry or drag him to the side of the road.

    As far as liability, it's still the kid that hit you at fault, consider if you had simply stalled.

  8. if I did I would move the animal to the side of the road. its never a good Idea to block traffic lanes you know this now don't you.

  9. It's a judgment call whether you can rescue the animal safely given traffic conditions.  If it's not safe (or even if it is), it's almost certainly better to call the authorities, they'll come out with emergency vehicles with sirens and flashing lights, and they'll do a job and take risks they're paid to do (which you are not).

    You're not more a hero because you refused to call for help. That's a myth.  In fact, by not involving the authorities there's a fair chance you're actually stealing a pet from another loving family who misses it.

    If you care about the animal, follow its path through the animal control system, ask to adopt the animal, and you'll surely get it, unless the real owners are found.

  10. Yes I would and I have a number of times. I also stop for cats. I think in this state(ma.) you have to stop for a dog, but not a cat. Having had many a dog in my life, I figure if the dog was driving, he would stop for me. I love animals.

  11. Yes, I would stop.

  12. Yes, I still would stop because a dog is just like a human and if you pass it by, then dont expect help from others..

  13. yes, i would stop to help any injured animal. maybe this kind of thing happens alot, but i could not stand to just drive by and let a poor animal just lay there and suffer

  14. Yes, I would stop. My mom and I stopped one day to help a dog that was in the road and he seemed to be having trouble walking. We thought he got hit by a car. The dog could barely hold his head up. We were about 2 miles from home, it was raining and it was starting to get dark so we decided to take the dog home with us. After we got home we realized the dog was not injured.

    The dog was having trouble walking because it was so weak. The poor thing was extremely skinny and starving to death. We had to spoon feed the him because he would not eat on his own. Since the dog did not have a home we decided to keep him. We named him Lucky.

    I have told this story to all my friends and family and I was surprised that several of them told me that they wouldn't have stopped. There was no way I could have kept going. Something just told me that I had to stop that day and see about that dog.

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