
Would you support American Football as an Olympic event? Why or why not. ?

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Would you support American Football as an Olympic event? Why or why not. ?




  1. I wouldn't support it because American football is not popular in many countries.  

  2. A contest would require several games in ONE WEEK.

    NO WAY in football.

  3. no to american football.

    as the name states *American Football*

    yes to rugby and cricket. although cricket is dull imo.

    They should add skate boarding too.

    and there was a game played where rugby players took on an american football team. played both games and the rugby players won both if my memory serves me right.

  4. no I wouldn't. Firstly because it's a hybrid version of Rugby and secondly, whereas Rugby is a huge global sport...American football isn't. In most countries throughout the world, American football has virtually no audience. Neither has Baseball (before you suggest that as well).

    Ehmmmmm Ziggy? I'd like to see an american football player face up to one of New Zealands front line men with no padding or helmet. I think they'd be more than ready for him. His life would flash before his eyes! He wouldn't know what's hit him. I think he'd end up in hospital. They rip eachothers ears off!!!

  5. Yes, in that I far prefer to see international competition carried out on the field of sports to any other arena.  

    However it is not very likely, as few parts of the rest of the world even know what the sport is.  There has been some interest shown in the Europe, but a World Football League has not panned out.  Perhaps if a large investment in facilities and franchises were made around the world, there might be interest.  Even still that could take a good dozen or so Olympics

    Rugby would be more likely.  Cricket can take too long to make a predictable schedule.

    The International Olympic Committee should open up a website for requested future games.  Then if enough people asked for football, or bowling, or wakeboarding, or hang gliding, or??? The IOC would have reason to consider it.

  6. Definitely not, because there will only be one team competing, which is team USA.

  7. i love football but it has no place in the olympics, Could you imagine how many nfl player would have been arrested in beijing. Americans are the only ones who play anyways. I think rugby would be the closest compromise.

  8. Nope.  That's purely American.  Which is a shame because most of our best athletes play football instead of events included in the olympics.  

    Of the two most athletic sports in the USA, only ONE SINGLE MEDAL counts at the Olympics: basketball.  Our top athletes go into sports that don't play at the olympics.   Otherwise there would be complete American dominance.  Think of all the guys who could pursue weightlifting, shot put, high jump, sprinting, and others.  But they pursue football and basketball instead to make the money.

    I don't fault them but it would be a huge advantage if our athletic base was more diverse.

    American football is not played seriously in other countries.  So no way.

  9. No it not play in enough countries to make it into the Olympics.

    It been around for years but only played in 2 countries.  

  10. No, I just like the classics. We don't need any new sports in the Olympics. Adding BMX was retarded.  

  11. Maybe in the Olympica Americana

  12. American football may be big in the states but if it is basically unknown in most parts of the world.

    Soccer the Real Football

  13. No.  American Football isn't embrased world wide like, say..Futbol, gymnastics, swimming, etc. The game of football is too long as well.  This was the last year for baseball and softball.  So, that should tell you something.

  14. Yeah i think Americans would just own...But what's up with that first answerer, nobody would watch?  Wow you really must be a girl.

    I really think american football can gain popularity around the world, humans like similar things, if all of america likes it i can't see why the rest of the world wouldn't.

  15. Definetely ...but not enough other countries play it thats the problem....did she really say not enough people will watch it....LMAO really? I think all of america would watch it.  Thats plenty.

  16. I'm spanish and I love this sport but I wouldn't support it because it's not universal

  17. How in the world will american football be part of the olympics when americans are the only ones playing it?

  18. Not really, I don't think enough people would watch it.  

  19. yes but americans will pwn the other countries

  20. what the heck is american football? i am not american and never even heard of it! i doubt anyone besides america plays it!

  21. Before football is considered, I think rugby or cricket should be in the Olympics as they are played more internationally.  Football is played only by a few countries.

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