
Would you support British-SADC military intervention in Zimbabwe?

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If the British can step in in Sierra Leone why can't they step in in Zim? Would you support military intervention if there were a UN Security Council resolution. Tsvangirai has now appealed to the Dutch for asylum I heard. What do you guys think? Military yes or no?




  1. Under no circumstances should the UK or US get militarily involved in Southern Africa.Africans have what they wanted - Mugabe in the case of Zimbabwe and the ANC in South Africa - so let them sort their own fecking problems out. Those self same Zimbabweans stood and watched and did feck all when Mugabe threw White former British Farmers off the land and committed genocide against many. Now they wants us to bail them out. They have short memories and I say feck them.

  2. Absolutely. Those willing to take action of this kind will have to do so in defiance of the SADC. They have stood by shuffling their feet while that scumbag proved to the entire world that African governments will stand by and do nothing when the perpetrator in question is one of their old "liberation" buddies. The outside world has to intervene. And while their at it, they can just as well do us all a favour and forcefully disband the SADC and the AU too.

  3. MJ - yes

    However, any help whatsoever is needed! We just need Mugabe out and his "sheep" (followers)

    The only thing is once Mugabe is out you have to then get a whole new army because most of the military in Zim is in favour of Mugabe because they are also in-control and will be getting their fair share of food etc - they are "living it up" on the expensive of those poor Zimbabweans who are sick of Mugabe.

  4. I would fully support it if South Africa would have the guts to say enough is enough to Robert Mugabe and support the UN in such an endevour. Any military action by the US/UK would be met with the same old White Colonial rhetoric. If ZA would get onboard and suppport such an action and repudiate Mugs, this would stand a chance for positive change.

  5. yes MJ I agree with you,the Btrish and the Americans,must do something the sooner the better so that there will be no more Bloodshed.xxxxx

  6. I will support it, Mugabe should be tried in the International court for crimes against humanity. I am so disappointed, though, so really hoped that Tsvangarai will be elected and Mugabe and his henchmen be arrested and exterminated. Now what is going to happen?


    Yes I know what I mean is I wanted to see him as President, and see him making changes and restoring zimbabwe to the country it once was. It is so very sad. Imagine how despondent and without hope the MDC followers are feeling right now at this moment.

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