
Would you support Obama if he wins the election?

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Now I say this particularly for the public because I think it is an important question. To my knowledge and the feeling I am getting from some of these forum questions, it seems that people who were against Obama would shun him as president. My personal thoughts on that is that if you do then you do not understand this country. Regardless of who becomes president, they have been chosen by the majority of this country who just happened to believe in that person. And if they did that then that also means they deserve at the very least our respect and the chance to do what they may have said in their campaigns.

But I think for Obama that would not be the case and he would find it hard to get anything anywhere just because people disagree with him. Not to mention waiting for the chance four years later to refer to him as a bad president that was predicted by some to fail at the job. I think whoever gets elected, should have the support of everyone in this country mainly because how will we ever know if something can get done if we do not give it a chance?

All I say is that this country is full of chances, Obama and McCain deserve that chance if they get elected.

BTW - I am for Obama and will vote for him but if McCain gets in there instead, I will support him and pray that he will not fail the country the needs help so badly.




  1. I will support my president, whomever that may be. I do not support Obama, although I am glad for this country that he has made such historic strides. I had wondered if I would see such a thing in my lifetime, and am thrilled to have been here, but I have heard way too many people planning to vote for him ONLY on the basis of his race.  That is just as bad, or even worse, than NOT voting for him because of his race.  Either way is a disgrace. While both candidates are out of touch, Obama is on another planet. Mr. Harvard Grad, whose "working" wife (or maybe he really meant her nannies & housekeepers???) has never been proud of her country? No thanks.

    McCain is not my favorite either, however his ticket is more inclined toward the things that I believe in than Obama's.

  2. Not any more than the average Democrat would support McCain....


  4. Yes I would support Obama if he wins.  I strongly opposed Bush Jr. and I still supported America after he became President, I expect to do the same for Obama.

  5. OK read the resume before you vote..... who fit to be a president.

    Obamas Resume

    John McCain resume  

  6. no  no  no  that  will not  be  my  president  not  now  not  ever

  7. If this country could follow a man like George Bush for eight years, I think we can logically say that Americans are not stupid as they would NOT want to follow someone like Obama.

    What is going on right now, is simple party politics. They are all waving flags are preaching themselves masters of the universe, their knowledge is more vast than their opponents, etc. At the end of the day, they are all politicians out for themselves and their interests.

    We will have a president, and we must follow that president. I too, however, wish that it would be Obama, rather than McBush.

  8. I would like to be willing to try to but I don't see how I can.  I don't take him seriously, he's a political newbie with far left policies and way too much appeal.

    I wasn't too upset when Democrats took congress, until they got a deserved lower approval rating than Bush.  I did like their reforms of the Patriot Act, which they finally got passed.  I don't see anything to look forward to in Obama, it is just going to cost me, and possible my country.

  9. I agree with you that Obama with have problems from Day one of his presidency but I support him. Even Bush deserves some respect because of the office he occupies even if his own actions and statements are often ill advised and inexplicable. He certainly was given the benefit of the doubt by the country on a number of occasions..and managed to let people down. But I don;t think the democrats can take credit for thwarting anything but the most reactionary of his proposals

    here's the ironic thing. A president McCain has a greater potential to work on a bipartisan basis than a president Obama simply because Democrats even Larry Reid want to accomplish something and be less obstructionist. They are not going to try to impeach Bush or McCain unlike Tom Delay.

    Obama's only shot is if he can get a solid working majority and he's close to that but his lead in being eroded. I worry about his stature in places like Missouri/Ohio..

  10. No way, I didn't support bush, or clintons, or daddy bush!! no way!! and I will not support a candidate who wants billions for world hunger, I myself am not into diversity or humanistic's of any kind, I am for God and country!!

  11. My sense is that it would depend on his politics after the election.  There will certainly be a large segment of America that would never support Sen. Obama even if he becomes President.  For these people, Sen. Obama represents the sliding of the United States into the politics of the nanny state, and of the death of american democracy and the establishment of far left socialism.

  12. I do not agree with George Bush, but I respect him. If God forbid the half wits of this fading republic choose Obama as their leader, I will respect him as Commander in Chief, but I will never follow along with with his party, or agree with  his poorly thought out plans.

    On a similar note, I think it's disgraceful that people show severe lack of respect to President Bush.

  13. Doesn't matter, as long as this country gets help, fast!

  14. good boy!

  15. I'll give any elected leader a chance to surprise me, but my hopes aren't high for anybody right now.  

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