
Would you support a ban on SUV's and TRUCKS?

by  |  earlier

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So people, there is concrete evidence that global warnmimg is here; the north pole for the first time in human history will not be a complete frozen block of ice.

Urban Rambos in SUV's and in trucks on lift kits aren't just dangerous to others around them but they also destroying the planet. How about taking away the huge tax deductions for ANY business owner that buys a truck or SUV and banning them completely for those who don't need them for work?




  1. This is still the USA, the land of the FREE. Free to do as we please. I don't like jacked up trucks and SUV's but I don't like communism either. Next thing you'll want to do is ban my old Mustangs or my right to shoot the darned squirrels out of my pecan trees.

  2. I'd support is a ban!

    I have read about a lot of people (on forums) that specifically look for huge suvs so they can write it off for business purposes. People that can manage with a sedan buy an SUV just because of the tax break and this in most cases is worth doing even with 5$ / gallon gas (depending on how much you drive)

    Having said that, I don't think a ban on all SUVs make sense. Things like the example above that almost encourage someone to buy an SUV should be revised, controlled if not banned.

  3. Sure, lets just go socialist while we're at it.

  4. Um...seeings how we have a jeep & a mini-van, no I wouldn't support it! Where do we draw the line on banning everything? How about a ban on people that constantly want to ban everything?

  5. how much firewood am i gonna be able to haul home in a frikkin prius!!I drive a pickup truck because i need a truck.The rising price of fuel shows me what i dont need- cable tv,$100 a month cell phone bill,eating out. I dont do anymore driving than i have to and i can ussually get by on 1 tank of gas a week.

  6. That would be a frightening road to go down. If you give the government the power to ban trucks and SUVs what would prevent them from banning other forms of private transportation later on.

  7. I have a suv and I love it.  I am not one of those yuppies that has one just for status.  I live in Canada and we get lots of snow.  I also have a bad back.  Getting stuck in the city happens often as the city might take days to clear the streets.  The city doesnt just shut down we have to get to work, hospital or the grocery store.  I admit my need for it in the summer is not as great but winter can be long.

  8. no!  Suv's are much better for the earth then those hybrid car!

  9. I would support more suv's. Lets require every suv and truck out there to get less than 12 mpg.  Why? Because I want my gas to be cheap! Simple supply and demand, and scales of economy. The more oil is pumped out of the ground, the lower its cost is going to be. End result? My gas bill will be subsidized by those who want to have big trucks and suv's.

    They pollute less during their lifetime (including manufacturing) than a hybrid, We are not going to run out of  oil (it will become so expensive we will stop pumping it out far before we actually run out) and in the near future the oil age will be over, and we'll all be on to something new and better.

  10. You call it global warming....I call it the Progressive end of an Ice Age.  

    If you replace one Truck with one car you are still polluting the environment.  Besides, I can't tow my boat with a friggin PRIUS.  It's an exercise in Futility.

    I support a ban on the Liberals that won't let us build refineries in America.

  11. The problem with the "land of the free" is that WE ARE TOO d**n FREE. Im not rooting for communist but a great  number of us are wastefull. So wasteful that we have to lean that direction to get this country right again. America has gotten out of control and now EVERYONE is paying the price. So to answer your question; i would not support a ban on tricks and SUVs but I would make it h**l for one to obtain. For example I propose a reclassification of SUVs and Trucks as commercial vehicle, therefore requiring a CDL license and then I would have an astronomical high gas guzzlers tax added on every year as well. This will weed out all the people who probably don't need one. I know somebody is going to say " How do know who needs one and who doesn't?" Well somebody has to say it! Another thing, the goverment needs to abolish all tax ebnefits for having a suv or truck. Our own goverment made it too easy and now were paying the prices. WAKE UP AMERICAN AND GET OFF YOUR HIGH (SUV) HORSE. PRIDE AND JOY WONT SAVE US WHEN WE BECOME A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY 50 YEARS FROM NOW!!!!!!!

  12. I would support a ban on cars, SUVs and trucks that don't get much better gas mileage than they do now.  Hummers, for example, are completely stupid unless you plan to use them to invade a neighboring housing development.  Cars get much better mileage in the Europe than they do here, so it can be done.

  13. I would not support a ban on SUV's or Trucks!

    I use one to tow my trailer for camping, taking large groups of people (Girl Scouts, Soccer, family from out of town, etc). Other than that I don't drive it to work and only make occasional trips into town with it.

    There is one thing that I would like to ban...

    People asking stupid questions on Yahoo Answers (internet) when all that they should have to do is to look it up by using google or something instead of asking for people's differing opinions

  14. I don't agree with a ban per say just you should have to prove a need for a truck or SUV and have to prove you know how to drive them safely and the SUV drivers in California are the reason the gas prices are so high so a ban in California would be good

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