
Would you support a modest tax increase if ..(see details)...?

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Would you support a modest tax increase if it were irreversibly tied to a balanced budget and an equal reduction in government spending?




  1. no, unless they cut their expense budgets and office costs first. a pay cut for themselves next. and then we can talk about raising my taxes.  

  2. No.  The more the people owe, the more the nation owes.

    If people aren't allowed to keep more of what they earn in order to turn that money around to pay THEIR debts instead of forking it over to the government, it slows the economy and therefore, causes the nation to go deeper into debt.  Not only that, but if you increase the amount in the nation's tax coffers, they will not be tightening their belts -- they'll do just the opposite and spend it, and on stuff we don't need.

  3. Tony, if we had a balanced budget, and spending was reduced, and we had more jobs, with more people working bringing in more revenue, then a tax increase would not be necessary.  I say this, as we all know costs would go down, and we would have an excess in the budget that would reduce the deficit in no time.


  4. Stop price gouging first...

    ...then talk taxes.

    BTWM last year I  paid my taxes with a smile...

    ....but they wanted cash.

  5. I do not support any tax increase for any reason. I earned the money and I would like to keep it.

  6. Like we had when Clinton was president? Yes.

  7. Yes, who wouldn't?

  8. Define "modest".

  9. NO!  The government has shown thousands of times it cannot be trusted to keep its side of any deal.  The government already steals more than it needs from workers to support communist/socialist/fascist/MArxist/unco... spending to buy votes.  Eliminate the unconstitutional pandering programs first, then we might be able to talk about an earnings theft increase, but I doubt it.

  10. YES


  12. I have no problem with taxes as long as they are spent on worthwhile things. There is a lot that we can stop paying for but definitely a lot that we should be paying for.

  13. This is what happened when Reagan was President.  He worked out a deal where congress promised to cut spending if he would agree to a tax increase.   Congress got the tax increase but never kept their end of the deal and they didnt cut their spending.

    So no, cut the spending first and if money can be shown to still be needed then we will see.

  14. Absolutely, yes.

    How the h**l else is it going to get paid off?

  15. I would have no problem with it, I don't mind paying taxes provided that the money is put to good use and that there is transparency in the spending process.

  16. hmm interesting i guess it would be better than what we have now but i would rather support just a huge sweep and cut of this ridiculous government spending

  17. Do not support any type or form of tax increase.

    Taxes are just used to pay the mega salaries of all of the politicians, attack other countries, etc.

    All taxes need to be abolished not increased.  

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