
Would you support deposits on all recyclable containers?

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I know only a few states have deposits on soda cans, but I'm in one of them. I'm shocked when I go to another state and see pop cans littering the highway as far as the eye can see. I momentarily think "cha-ching", but alas, they are not returnable out of state. Would you support deposits on other containers as well? Such as containers for juice and water? What about shampoo or spaghetti jars? I know it's not that simple, and most people are charged a fee to return recyclables...but if there were an incentive to return (other than that preserve our environment for future generations thing) you think that would be a good thing or bad? I actually LOVE returning pop cans. It's like a tiny little savings account for me.

Please explain why or why you wouldn't support deposits...or why this would or wouldn't work. I already know there are some significant problems with it, just wondering what you think. Thanks!




  1. yes 100% it would help to eliminate a lot of trash on the road sides and reduce the amount of garabage in landfill sites.Provinces that have extensive deposit systems have little to no road side litter people of all walks of life go out and pick up depositable containers.We were in Nova Scotia and the parks and beaches are/were spottless there were even people goin through the garbage containers pulling out depositable containers

  2. Here in CA, we have a deposit for beverages (sodas, etc), called a CRV (CA redemption value), it varies from $.05-$.10, depending on the size of the beverage container.  However, I would TOTALLY support the same type of system for ALL recyclable materials (especially plastics).  It, in a small way would offset the cost of the item.  Also, the CRV is supposed to encourage people to recycle because when you pay the CRV at the register, you can take the empty container to be recycled and get that money back.

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