
Would you support giving the monarchy more powers over the UK?

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IE, over decisions made in the UK, and more rights over laws, and making her ultimately more responsible for Parliament?




  1. I would give her more powers is she chose to use them. But I think she has enough to do to entertain foreign dignitaries and the government.

  2. If they would close the boarders than yes. You guys have a huge immigration problem in the UK and it seems to me that you are loosing traditional values or the UK to cater to the immigrates I'm not a raciest but I don't believe a country should have to change for someone who doesn't like something that a country stands for if they don't like it then go back to where you came from. I read about the three little pigs story in the news a few weeks back and I was so shocked to see that it was being baned. Come on its a child's story and in no way is it offensive I feel bad for the direction your country is moving it is sad!

  3. No, the monarchy should not have more power because they are out of touch with the real world

  4. I am a great supporter of the Queen. However I think that the way things are are all for the best. Lets not change a good thing.She has been a good ruler in the past and may she still have many more years as head of our state.

  5. I would support giving the Queen more power, but keep it away from that son of hers.  I think he might end up destroying the world.


  7. Don't kid yourself that her Maj is not involved in desicions already and always has been.She is consulted and involved more than you or I would imagine.

    Shhhh...we ain't supposed to know though.

  8. You are kidding, surely???  lmao.  If there's any shift of power it should be toward the people of the UK.

  9. Arghhh,

    what is the choice here, Parliament or royalty......they are both as bad as each other,

    empower the people man. anarchy in the UK ;)

  10. The Queen is a constitutional monarch and happy to be so. No need to increase her powers.


  12. Perhaps, if King Arthur were to awake in his cave in the Vale of Avalon - otherwise, don't be silly!

  13. Absolutely not. Such rights should only be given as part of a democratic process.

  14. Even if we did they would never use them, the queen still has some power now but she lets parliment handle everything.

  15. Yup - im a proud royalist though :-)

  16. you must be joking?  Why would we want to give any real power to a punch of out of touch parasites like the monarchy???

  17. Yes its always good to have inbreds in charge

  18. Technically the Queen is involved more then most people think. Whilst yes the Government makes all the new laws etc, they cannot come into affect until the Queen signs the paper.

  19. More power? That implies she has power - she has none; she's a constitutional monarch which means she's nothing more than a figurehead. Totally pointless and a disgraceful waste of public money!

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