
Would you support the idea of giving people more financial assistance...?

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During times like these--if it were possible?

Like an increase in food stamp allotments to combat the high food prices? Or some extra money to help certain people with meeting their needs in basic goods and services? (Including medical co-pays?)

Just wondering.




  1. Before I start, I want to say I'm talking in general terms and I'm not racist.  I work with a majority of Hispanics in a fast food chain.  From my observations, girls begin cranking out kids at age 16.  They usually receive no support from their boy friends.  A lot of time, the guy is in jail.  

    I'll give two examples.  One girl just gave birth to her second child.  She claimed her pregnancy was an accident.  She has bounced around this job and others for the last four years.  Another girl was married with a child.  Her husband was busted for drugs.  When he was released, they worked on their marriage with the promise of no more drugs.  The end result in this marriage was he's in jail again, there was another child, and she is filing for divorce.  She got her act together and went back to school to become a nurse.

    I believe people need to help people.  But, why should I spend my money on people who spend their money on drugs/alcohol problems, purchase tats and piercings, have the latest cellphone with numerous ringtones, and they have poor work ethics?  Giving continuous aid without goals does not work.  

    So, I am not in favor of giving more money out.  It hasn't improved their lifes and some people are now second and third generation receivers of government aid.

  2. Well let’s cut out the BS about who would pay for it.  Let’s get right into the good stuff.  Having a financial assistance program to combat high prices is an oxymoron.  If the market for food is at an equilibrium price in the present that makes it seem very high to past prices, giving free food away in the form of food stamps to people would only increase demand for food and further move the price of food higher which would then cause more people to be in need of the assistance program. Where does it end?

  3. That sort of thing has been going on for many generations. Hand outs seldom do any good. They only time they do any good is when the person appreciates it and really does not want a handout. I think loans would be much better.

  4. No.  Government giveaways are NOT the answer to economic downturn.

    Who would pay for all these programs?  It has to come from somewhere, which means higher taxes, which more than negates the benefits of these programs.

  5. I think it is a good idea to make the poor can make their days in the US with foods on the tables year round. The global human kinds are getting greedier, unconcerned, more materialistic every day, and fear of getting lessen money and lower the prices of their property. The only impasse for such good deeds are prevented by all those greedy human kinds nowadays. It is difficult to proceed such merciful good deeds. I think the best bet is come up with smart and good world leaders have a joint agreement to destroy the f u c king stock markets and housing industry gradually and completely. Let American peoples to have the sense of belonging and sharing. China is doing this in an indirect way to slow down the staggering inflation of foods and gasoline. How the future American leaders to do this, and all we need to wait and see.However, I can assure that the merciless, heartless and thoughtless Hong Kong fascist chief executive (Donald Tsang Yum-kuen) will not do this for the two millions currently living under the poverty line, not even the rat's a s s of basic pension fund of say, as little as $4,000 HK per month. We all curse him to drop dead in the near future.

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