
Would you support your son or daughter if...?

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they chose a career in hardcore p**n. No drugs, no damaged childhood back-story... just a well paying job for something that he or she rationalizes is enjoyable... or would you disown him or her?




  1. I would support my child's decision no matter what as long as it made them happy.  I cant imagine a job in p**n would make them happy, is there really a p**n star that has ever been happy with making that a career?

    History dictates that it doesnt, Betty Paige disappeared after her spin in "50's"p**n, Tracey Lords gained fame, but her acting career tanked because of p**n......I know Mary Carey was just on some reality sober living show, and Jenna Jamison is divorced and looking starved and fighting off press about her having an eating disorder.

    Men maybe, but even Ron Jeremy has had to uplift his career on a stupid reality show.

    Those are just a few names that I can remember off hand in p**n to video careers that are actually famous, or maybe a better word is  infamous.  The others I remember are dead.  

    Maybe I need to see more ex p**n stars who were happy with their past and are happy about where they are now because of it before I make a final decision?  

  2. Yes.  Different strokes for different folks.  Rather them be happy in thier job than bitter at me for judging them about what makes them happy.

  3. I would try and talk them out of it and point out jobs that they would be good at, but I would not disown them. That's my blood and, even though they may make bad choices, I would still stand by their side. I may try and talk them out of it by making them feel too uncomfortable (i.e. if you do it, me and your father would watch it while you sit next to us) just so that they would understand that ANYBODY could be viewing it at any time. If they still are adamant on doing it, I would support their decision (although once it's done, I would be sure to avoid any kind of p**n whatsoever so that I don't accidentally come across it lol.) But it would take more than a bad decision to make me love my child any less.

  4. I would never disown my child for any reason.  I would always love her.  But I would make her aware that I do NOT agree with her decision and I wouldn't support it.  But I would be there for her and still be her parent.

  5. I wouldn't be thrilled with their choice, but I certainly wouldn't disown them.

  6. I've raised my two Sons with values and reasoning and they've both got and are taking part in educational opportunities so hopefully that will NEVER happen.  They know right from wrong.  I would definitely NOT support them but would never disown them.

    Peace & Love  :)

  7. Parents who disown their kids for such reason shouldn't be parents in the first place. While it might not be the ideal career choice, if it makes them happy and they get a decent salary, then I wouldn't force them to stop.

  8. i wouldnt like it but i would not disown them i would support their choice and hope that they came to their choice by using brains not just a hope.

  9. first I wouldn't because that's gross and  instead of disowning them make them quit their jobs and introduce them to other wonderful carrers

  10. Just let them do it right now.

    and if they quit or something

    you'll get credit for being a good parent!


  11. NO, I couldn't do that.  especially since we're raising our kids with Christan values.

  12. i would not support that at all.  i wouldnt disown my child ever (if i had one), but i would not be supportive of that "career" choice.

  13. I don't think that I would support it but it is their choice. I would not disown them either.  

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