
Would you switch colleges or stay?

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I'm in a top tier private liberal arts college. The work looks daunting and I'll be fortunate to pull even C's (D's aren't out of the question). I'm wondering if I should switch back to an easier state college closer to home where I know I'll be able to make at least steady B's. What do you think? I don't want a bad transcript following me around if I decide to go to grad school. Should I switch while I can still leave with "Withdrawal" on my transcript? It would really suck to get halfway through the semester and realize I can't take it (I have panic disorder, the work is demanding, etc.), then have to leave with zeros. At the same time, I think I'd have to deal with some regret for forfeiting this opportunity for individual attention, great professors, serious students, and an intellectual atmosphere. Thanks for your advice.




  1. Make your judgment based on facts...if you want to go to graduate school you will need a minimum of a 3.5+, good recommendations from professors you did research with (doesn't matter the area).  Top corporations/businesses/educational facilities will also consider your GPA for job employment.  That said, if you know you cannot achieve that, then it's time to consider the game plan.  A top tier school with poor grades, does nothing for you.  Are you sure you can achieve your goals by switching to another university?  The demands from one university to another are not much different. Perhaps the problem is not the school, but you.  Think about that before you make any life changing decisions.  Good luck to you!  (college psych professor)  

  2. Im going through the same thing as you. I only went to my college (Fordham) cuz they gave me outstanding aid, engineering is wut i wanted to do but unfortunately this school doesnt offer it...but the aid is wut lured me in. so far im through my freshman year and im performing C to C+ average, even though i think i deserve better. I wish i could transfer to a school that would offer me the same amount of aid and do engineering, but there isnt. My advice is that you should transfer only if it doesnt cost you as much, and you get to do what you wanna do.  

  3. That's quite an ordeal there...I guess what it comes down to is, what do you value more? The experience or the outcome?

    Most serious college students are there for a reason; so I am assuming the outcome.

    In that case, to spare your transcript I would transfer.

    At least you'd be able to look back on the experience and say you enjoyed it while it lasted.

  4. You can't have been in school for more than a week or two at most, so my guess is that you are panicking unnecessarily.  Deciding that you would be fortunate to get C's, when you still have the whole semester ahead of you, is really defeatist, considering that you made it in there in the first place.  If you are really worried about it, go to your school's learning center for help now, before you get any bad grades.

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