
Would you take a McJob?

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MacDonalds have announced 4000 new jobs so if you were or are unemployed, would you take a job there?

If MacDonalds is against your way of life for whatever reason, but you needed a job, would you put your own ethics to the side to make money to live?




  1. h**l NO!

  2. Someones got to work there, don't feel ashamed. If you need cash - no1 needs to know where you got it from.  

  3. I just love all these people who say they would rather get the government to pay them than to do honest work.  That is what McDonald's is honest work.  Yes, it is mind numbing.  Yes, it is boring.  Yes, it only pays minimum wage or a little over.  But, for me, I would much rather have that than have welfare, at least, I could be proud of the fact that I was working.  I have also found it is much easier to find a job if you are working than when you are just laying about.

  4. their is alot more honour in making an honest living than staying on the dole when you know you could be working , at least you are paying your way and you can always move on to something better when the opportunity arises.

  5. if you needed the money yeh yu cud put your diffrences aside .. . but i wouldnt recomend the attitudes of the worker are usually poor

    hope it helps

  6. No, I would find it degrading and humiliating, and if it was against my beliefs then I would feel guilty

  7. No.. Ronald McDonald scares me

  8. It's so easy for people to say yeah I would take the job, I'd rather be working than not

    fact is I couldn't take a job there no matter how much I wanted to work (I do work I'm just talking hypothetically)

    They pay minimum wage

    That wouldn't even be enough to cover my rent and council tax never mind any other bills

  9. No way!!

  10. McDonald's pay is pathetic. Conditions are brutal. Benefits are practically nil, except if you count that you get a free combo lunch every shift. This kind of work is O.K. for a summer student because it shows most people with an I.Q. larger than their shoe size that studying is a heck of a lot better than working at dumps like McDonalds or Walmart.

    Do you speak Spanish? Do you know how to say "Will you have fries with that" in Spanish?

  11. If that was the best I could do, sure.  I guess I'd have more of a decision if I really hated them, but right now, I am much more ethically opposed to being homeless or starving than anything McDonalds does.

  12. Only if the choice was to get a Mc Job or live on the Mc Streets!  

  13. I used to have a Mcjob when I was 15 lol...

  14. No. There are loads of jobs far better than McDonalds..

  15. Why do people assume that a job at Macdonald's is a rubbish job?

    I agree that at the start you would be doing basic tasks, but if you put your mind to, take it seriously and take an interest, there is a career path that exists which could lead the right person to a more senior post within the organisation and very valuable catering qualifications.

    EVERY job has it's basic, boring times but you have to look a bit further ahead than where the money is coming from.

  16. if i needed the monday

  17. Most certainly as long as it is honest work one should never look down their noses at it.  A strong work ethic is a virtue.  When I was a kid I did most anything to earn money because my parents couldn't afford  to provide the extras for me.  Their strong work ethic rubbed off on me and I've never lost sight of that.

  18. no way never!

  19. No I would Rather starve.

  20. I went for an interview about 10years ago as I was a strapped for cash teenager I got offered the job but never showed up! I couldn't do it so my answer is no. But who knows if I would take it if I was really desperate but i'd like to think I won't get in that situation.

  21. yes if I was a student or at least under 25!!  ITs a job after all

  22. if you need it

  23. I would

  24. I think i'd rather the government help me out than be a battery chuck

  25. I would take the the job. Unfortuntely for me I am to proud to sponge. I would have to work. Personally if you have been on the dole any longer than 2 months & you refuse a job you should have all you sponge taking benifits stopped. I am sick & tied of the excuses that the spongers give & the people that think they are to good to take a job like that.

    Get the tax robbing b******s **** shoveling for a living.

  26. Not now no, but I did work FT at a Manchester branch of McD's for almost 6 months over the summer break period.  I have to say it was honestly probably the hardest job I have ever had, physically that is.  

    You are on you feet all the time.  If you are not busy, you are expected to make yourself busy, even if it means repeating a job for the sake of it.  It is a constant battle to keep the kitchen clean (whoever though stainless steel as standard throughout the chain's kitchens should be shot).  Also you have to hide to have a drink.  

    You do get a free meal each shift, but you get pretty sick of the food after a week (and you are only allowed a medium meal, tight or what?)

    I would struggle to work there again even if my life depended on it.  I am no stranger to hard work, but McD's really takes the biscuit

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