
Would you take a pay cut, but increase your status ranking?

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I was offered an entry-level management position but it pays $1.50 per hour less than what I was getting as a secretary. Does it make sense to take it?




  1. In essence it is a promotion, even if the salary is not ideal you are being offered an opportunity to move up out of your secretarial role. You need to focus on working to learn instead of working just to earn. Moving into management allows you an opportunity to learn a whole new set of skills that you can cash in on in the future. The problem is you are focused on short term thinking instead of long term goals. Also, when you go back to discuss whether or not you will take the position, ask if it is possible to make a lateral move at the same salary you are making now. The worst they can say is no but it does not hurt to try and if you are happy where you are at in your career, you can always stay there.

  2. let's see that $1.50 per hour X 40 hours ="s $60. per week less.

    60 X 52 ='s $ 3,120 per year less....


    any company that promotes you and cuts your pay is chicken p**p

    i bet you need more money now

  3. no cuz you gotta make the money yo!

  4. As long as it's really an entry into management, yes, do it.  It's your future and oh boy, are you lucky!!!

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