
Would you take an online course?

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I'm changing jobs and am thinking of becoming an online teacher.




  1. I have taken many of them. You have to realize that it can be hard to discipline yourself and it's basically teaching yourself. It's a ton of work, so you can't have the attitude of just put it off till tomorrow cause it's online. You have to be determined. If you are, you can make it through, I do however enjoy lecture classes. I take both kind every semester.

  2. I've thought about it but I think without the physical reinforcement of a teacer, I would just never be motivated. But I know plenty of people who have, and it really works for them. Some people work better without physically having to come to class and maybe they can't go to class because they have work. But I definitely agree with the post above me, keep in touch with your students and be on top of assignments and such.

  3. I have taken graduate level courses online.  So not only would I but I have.

    Online education across all grade levels is a growing trend - even the likes of Harvard offers courses online.  It is a legitimate way to learn and even earn a degree.

    With rising fuel costs, I bet the popularity of online schooling will really increase dramatically.

  4. I love online courses, as long as the teacher is nice, organized, and keeps things interesting. I am taking two online courses right now. I have a great teacher, she has a requirement that we post our answer to a question on the dicsussion board and we have to post replays to three different people's answers. It gets everyone to participate and get to know each other. It was a really great idea.

    Good luck! But I think if you want to become an online teacher, dont go by whatever people say on here. Just do what you want, and you'll find out if its right for you or not. If not, than you can always change your mind. Its never too late.

  5. No, because I had a bad experience during my senior year of high school due to the teacher.

    One word of advice since I am going to be a teacher-- make sure you keep in contact with students by giving adequate feedback, which was missing from the course that I took.

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