
Would you take in a homeless mother and infant in to help them survive and get a education?

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would you take in a homeless mother and infant in to help them survive and get a education. she is homeless no family she can get a hold of and is afraid she would loss her child she needs a place to stay and help getting a collage education so she can take care of her child.




  1. My wife and I took in my sister and her two kids for just that reason for 3 years.  

    The real problem is establishing and maintaining a functional exit-strategy and a working relationship.  Its rough - there is a TON of interpersonal conflict.

    Its very dangerous to have another woman in the house who is not family - especially for the long-term.

  2. If I had money to spare and room to spare I definately would. I know someone in a similar situation and I wish I could help her but I just can't.

  3. If I had enough money and room to do so then yes.

  4. I would help her get into a shelter and babysit her kid sometimes to give her some help.  You have to think of your family first

  5. i sure would if i had the room and could afford to as i was once homeless my self

  6. No i would take her to the housing association and let them deal with finding her an emergency mother and baby unit or a bed for the night. And then she can go from there. Why would she be homeless in the first place? I mean do you know the circumstances leading upto her being homeless?

  7. I do have the room and the money, so yes I would help her......and this is what I would offer her.....

    I will "help" her pay for her education.....but she'll have to get a small student loan that she will be responsible for.

    She and the child can live with

    She must work a part-time job and save at least 50% of her pay.

    She will be responsible for the child when she is at home.

    She will find all the resources available that she qualifies for

    In other words....she must help herself for the 4 years she lives with us.....but she must also save and accept some of the responsiblitiy.

    This will get her ready to be out on her own after she graduates.

  8. h**l no!!! I have my own problems to worry about

  9. Darling I would except I to am homeless.

  10. Are you asking if you should do it?  then  ask yourself  do I have room in my hart, the rest will fall into place. God  provides!

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