
Would you take people's experiences more seriously if?

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they used proper grammar and spelling and didn't continuously confuse psychic and physic?




  1. Ha! I've read enough of your posts, do you think I take you seriously?

  2. Well if yahoo could up grade there spell check.It might be better

  3. That would certainly help.  It does true believers no favors when so many of them display symptoms of low intelligence.

  4. To Ferret:

    I believe you are probably correct in saying that there is no correlation between intelligence and paranormal experience (no significant correlation at least) but I would argue that there IS an inverse correlation (and almost certainly a causal one) between education and belief in the paranormal, especially if that education contains a solid amount of science.

    If you are knowledgeable in the many ways that our minds, bodies, and environment can trick us, we are more likely to recognise "paranormal" phenomenon for what is really is, almost certainly nothing but mind games.

    At least that has been my experience (which is the only person's experience that I am qualified to comment on).

    In answer to the original question, I agree 100% with the first respondent (The One Who Knows). In this case at least, his nick is completely accurate.


  5. While I am an admitted skeptic, I must say that people who believe in paranormal are not necessarily less intelligent than skeptics.  I am a member of Mensa, which is an organization whose sole requirement is to have a genius level IQ.  A component of Mensa is called SIGs (special interest group) which are like little clubs inside the organization for people to converse on specific topics, like gardening, motorcycles, classic literature, that kind of thing.  I was mildly surprised when going through the list of different groups that they had ones for things such as astrology and parapsychology.  So you can't say only the unintelligent believe in paranormal phenomena, if they have these groups consisting exclusively of high IQ members.

  6. Proper grammar and spelling IS one sign of intelligent life.  A minor mistake here or there is no big deal, but when someone spews out a rant replete with errors, I do doubt their veracity a bit more.  This is the online world, and there are many for whom English is not their primary language, so I make allowances for that.  Also, some people may have a handicap that prohibits them from typing correctly, but when I see an able-bodied American with sloppy English (or who has blatant disregard for proven facts), I don't consider them the most reliable source.

    Edit:  I don't mean to generalize that EVERY bad typist is dumb, or that anyone who believes in paranormal phenomena is the stereotypical moonshine-swilling redneck.  I am intrigued by parapsychology myself, and I am aware that there are "idiot savants" who can't type at all but can do math faster or play the piano better than I ever will. In the general population, however, I think most people do equate a good command of the language with having a better education. Ask any white-collar employer how quickly they'll hire someone who submits a resume full of mistakes.

  7. A person's intelligence doesn't reflect on use of grammar.  Look at Albert Einstein, he gave us the theory of relativity, and look at him, he couldn't find a good barber.  Plus he had trouble with math in his early years.

  8. Bad grammar and spelling doesn't help credibility, and it's good to use the right words for the job. But that isn't as important as the idea or concept of the question or answer. No matter how well-worded or eloquent the writing is or isn't, it's the thinking that counts.

    I'm sorry. That was being overly generous.

  9. Yes; however you need to realize that people make typos and honestly I don't feel chatting on the internet warrants the effort that goes into proofreading a message, (I'm lazy -_-) and different people come from different backgrounds and some don't emphasize grammar, BUT that doesn't mean that whatever they've seen or experienced isn't real or valid. Consider this; a fool can see in an instant what a wise man has spent his life searching for. Now that sounds very metaphorical and proverby, but it's true- there is no proven link between intelligence and paranormal experiences. So ALWAYS listen first, ask questions, AND THEN make a judgment, because if you disregard a report just because someone claims they have physic powers; you might just be disregarding the single most testimony of psychic ability the world has ever seen, and then you would be personally responsible for the set back of parapsychological research. But yes, I'm more inclined to believe someone who can (and takes the time to) type it write...right*!


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