
Would you take the extra step to find out if someone was cheating?

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If someone you knew was acting funny, and you suspected them of cheating on there significant other (not your SO). Would you take the extra step, to find out if they where?

What if it was a parent? or sibling?




  1. No.  I wouldn't want to get involved.  I wouldn't regard it as any of my business.

  2. If it was a gf and I thought she was cheating I would probably dump her(my instincts is usually right) but if it didn't involve me directly then I wouldn't pay it any attention.

  3. Its not my buisness, so no.

  4. If it directly affected me,like my parent or if I were really close with one of my siblings spouses then yes I would try to find out,friends on the other hand,you have to watch where your stepping there,but family definatley I would

  5. In a way, yes...because you need proof. Just saying that you have a gut feeling doesn't always cut it.

    BUT, it's an invasion of privacy at the same time. That's why it's a double-edged sword. Maybe I might do it if it was a parent or a sibling..I'm not sure.

    In my experience, my gut feeling of someone cheating always turned out to be true.  

    If I wasn't cheating, I personally wouldn't mind someone "investigating" because I know I'm not know? There's no need for me to get defensive.

  6. I had a friend that thought her husband was cheating. She hired a "love detective". This is a detective that specialized in finding evidence on cheating spouses.

    If I had suspected my husband was cheating I would be so distraught that I could not handle it. I would have a professional do it.

  7. If I cared about the people involved and thought anything I said or did could be helpful.

    But chasing up dirt on the person? No, I wouldn't do that. Only if it was obvious, or something I saw or heard.

    Cheers :-)

  8. I would like to say I would, but in two cases where I thought someone was cheating I did nothing, because if I found out it were true, it wouldn't be my place to tell the significant other, and would have wasted my time. And one of the people just so happened to be my mother, where upon I found out the truth of it being true later on and have utter disrespect for her.

  9. No.  

  10. Nope.  I would just voice my suspicions to the other party and leave the ball in their court.  Why would I bother to do involve myself in business that wasn't mine to begin with?

  11. No.  I believe in minding my own business.

  12. I'd mind my own business.

    Peoples sexual escapades are their private business.

  13. Phew, hon- I hope this is a hypothetical situation. 'Cause let me tell you, I was the one that had to tell a preciously very close friend her boyfriend was cheating on her and it is NOT a good place to be in. She took out all  her anger on me, didn't treat the b*****d the way she should've, took him back, and went on without doing anything about it. Except she decided she was going to hate me now apparently. And this was a supposedly mature college girl.

    If you care about the person who might be being cheated on, I would say investigate, but do so carefully. Try confronting the cheater rather than snooping around and seeing if s/he opens up to you. Or go to your friend with your suspicions if you have an open/caring enough relationship to feel secure doing that.

    Just be warned. Good luck!

  14. Depends on how easy it was.  If it were simple and right in front of me, like hitting redial on a phone, I might get curious and do it, but I certainly wouldn't go very far out of my way trying to dig up dirt on them.

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