
Would you take the male birth control pill?

by  |  earlier

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...or if you're female, then would you put your guy on it?,8816,1829107,00.html




  1. yes i would definitely have my fiance try it and see how it works for him. I personally can not take BC because of the hormones. So it would make things easier if my man could. Aside from the convenience i would like a man to have to experience hormone rage which happens on BC. People think birth control is merely a pill to stop women from having babies. But if your really look into it its a hormone pill with oestrogens and progestins which stop ovulation any pill that has the power to stop a natural process has many side effects. Mood swings, weight gain, anger, depression, food cravings, loss of appetite, night sweat's, suicidal thoughts, increased potassium levels. All of this to decrease the risk of having a child. Its not fair women have to deal with it all alone.  

  2. Thats a good way for safer s*x thats for sure.

  3. lolwut

  4. Yeah.  It takes two to make a baby; let the guy be responsible for once.

  5. Sure.  That way there are no little surprises!

  6. wtk i never knew u could get a male birth control pill i wouldn't y cant ur girlfriend take a female control pill

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