
Would you take this as a compliment or an insult??

by  |  earlier

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Ok the question was "These took A LOT of effort....I would love some feedback" and my answer was something like "I was expecting c**p but those were great" would you take my answer as an insult or a compliment??

Ps. It was suppost to be a compliment and I am asking because the person who asked the question took it the wrong way!!




  1. Thats like saying "you looked like an ugly *****, but your not really that ugly after all!!"

  2. That's offending! its like u r underestimating her and on top of that telling her what u think!

  3. I would take it as a compliment. I guess the person thought you knew them better and just saying you thought it might be c**p was an insult for thinking they would send you c**p.Depends on their mood too...Don't worry about it,,sounded like a compliment to me but I could see where they might have taken it as a insult by your wording.  

  4. The person who asked the question joins the extensive ranks on this forum, of people who ask for opinions but expect nothing but uncritical praise, and react badly when they don't get it. They are encouraged in their expectations by the equally extensive ranks of people who, when presented with any photograph, any at all, no matter how mediocre, appallingly inept or downright awful, answer 'awesome, i dont beleive ur not a profesional, what sort of camera did u use?'. Don't worry about it. If you spend your life worrying that the things you say may be taken as an insult by someone, no matter how immature or insecure, then you will end up not saying anything at all.

  5. Something sarcastic or dry can be hard to interpret when it is typed, especially when you are saying it to someone that doesn't know you.

    Yeah, it could've been said differently but the person asked your opinion and you gave it.  I wouldn't lose any sleep over it and neither should the person you said it to.  

  6. Honestly I don't know. I am sort of the same way so when I say something like that I mean it to be a compliment but in a funny way. I guess just don't say it that way anymore. I knew what you meant and did not take it the wrong way.

    I deff agree with Trees

  7. I would not let the first ' I expected them to look like c**p' bother me, actually pretty funny.

    If she was confident in her work, she would only be interested in your final critical opinion.  In art school you hear that all the time.

  8. I was expecting your question to be completely moronic but it wasn't really that bad.

    How does it feel?

  9. Your choice of words wasn't the best, imho.  On the other hand, feedback indicates they were looking for any comments - negative or positive.

    Don't worry about it.  Next time, if you really want to give a compliment, think about it a little first.  You could compliment something you liked in particular i.e.; your use of color was fantastic, or this was a great composition, etc.

    I kinda think this person was only looking for compliments, if they got really upset with your comments anyway.  They should have then asked for positive comments only.

  10. doesn't sound like an insult, maybe that person is really insecure or something .  

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