
Would you take your child to a naturopath?

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Would you take your child to a naturopath?




  1. I have. When my son was 3 he was ill enough for me to be really concerned about him. Totally listless, no appetite, not interested in his surroundings at all. Floppy. Our family doctor said it was just a virus, and waved me away like I was exaggerating. But it's very hard to watch a child like that, so I took him to a naturopath who prescribed a herbal blend that worked very quickly.

    I'm a great believer in "whatever works". With alternative remedies you must do the same risk check as you would with any medication. Check side effects of herbs etc. Satisfy yourself that there is no risk from the remedy.

    Naturopaths VARY. Good ones stick to tried and tested remedies such as herbs and acupuncture. And they will refer you to a modern doctor if they find something that requires modern medicine.

    There are quacks out there that will sell you water at a great price, or recommend spurious treatments, so it's caveat emptor. Ask lots of questions, such as "How does this work?" If it sounds like snake oil, it usually is.  

  2. My mom takes my brothers to naturopaths all the time. My brothers have cerebral palsy and so we try to find all sorts of ways to help them. I personally would do it if I found solid proof that it works. Ask around and see what other people or past patients of these naturopaths feel. If they felt that the experience was worth it then full speed ahead....get some reviews, there are some crazy nuts out there, scheming to take people's money without actually providing a good service. Good Luck  

  3. Absolutely! If their methods aren't successful I can always go somewhere else.  

  4. Yes as long as it was something I felt they could help with. I most certainly wouldn't take an unhealthy child who needed some sort of transplant, had anthrax or wasn't breathing to a naturopath. General illnesses yes.

  5. It depends. Naturopathy is a particular branch of alternative health methods and does not cover all that should be covered.

    My answer to you is that I WOULD take - and HAVE taken - my children to alternative health therapists and it has been the best thing I ever did for them.

    Alternative health methods are not to be used in acute cases - except perhaps homeopathy in certain cases and kinesiology.

    You need to inform yourself and find out what each method can do and if it suits the case in question.

    Acupuncture does not work on the same areas as homeopathy and is not used for the same thing.

    Iridology is limited.

    Phytotherapy has its domaine etc...

    Kinesiology covers pretty much the lot as you can combine all other methods with kinesiology.

    However, you are in the end responsible for the health of your child and you should always watch out the development of the ailment so that the child gets the treatment which is needed, when it is needed.

    All the best!

  6. yes but i would also make sure they get all of their vaccines. the vaccines arent natural but they are needed.  

  7. Yes.  When my son was an infant he had an ear infection, which led to a cycle of infection-antibiotic-infection-different antibiotic-infection until the doctor wanted to perform surgery.  

    The naturopath we took him to advised garlic and willow ear drops, probiotics and echinacea.  He never had another infection.


  8. Yes & No


    Modern medicine is brilliant is the area of diagnosis, no matter how bitter you feel about medicine, this is one area where it deserves respect, the other being Emergency A&E Medicine.

    I prefer an accurate scientific diagnosis from a conventional doctor/lab testing, {e.g. blood, stool, urine tests} and then seek the appropriate Alernative Medicine treatment therapy. That is not to say that naturopaths do not use scientific diagnostic methods, for instance my naturopath reccommends a D-Mannitol {metabolite of Candida Albicans} urine test for candida overgrowth, instead of dubious diagnostic tests like the 'spit test' or applied kinesiology

    Treatment & Preventitive Medicine

    Alternative medicine is brilliant in the are of treating and preventing chronic degenerative diseases, as well as almost any disease.

    I paticularly prefer the following therapies:

    Electro-Medicine - Rife Technology, Bob Beck Protocol, Gerson Therapy, Bio-Oxidative Therapy, Orthomolecular Medicine/Psychiatry, Nutrition/Food as Medicine, pH balancing, Hyperimmune milk, Natural Antibiotics - Lugols Solution BP, Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf extract, oil of oregano, garlic, Herbal Medicine - Western Botanical, Chinese, Ayruvedic, Electro/Acupunture, & other miscellaneous methods like fermented foods {kefir, yoghurt ect} in Naturopathy.

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