
Would you teach English in Spain or France for a few years?

by Guest56034  |  earlier

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I'm thinking of applying to a program in Spain. It wouldn't pay that much. What region should I choose? I'm thinking that with the economy about to go down the tubes that maybe this'll be a better experience than looking for a job. I'd like to be in Europe for a few years teaching but should I consider the salary I would lose if I had a normal job in the US or should I just go for it. I'm 23 with and about to graduate with an economics degree.




  1. go for it. you only live once.

  2. Sound like a fun adventure. Go for it. s***w the job in the USA. USA jobs don't pay that well anyway. Think of the experience and fun you'll have doing such a cool thing in a foreign country. No entry level job in the USA can replace that. Could lead to other things you've never imagined!!!

  3. I would do it in a flash!  I love teaching and I would embrace the opportunity to immerse myself in Spanish or French culture.  

    If you have a choice, consider Barcelona or Asturias in Spain, and, in France, Provence.  But don't insist; the region really is not all that important.

  4. Sounds cool.

    You should try the andalusian region.

  5. You should do it while you are young. Both countries have such a rich culture, and the experience you would gain would look great for future jobs.

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