
Would you tell a friend that their child <span title="was......................?">was.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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  1. h**l no!  That is for me and my husband to discuss privately, seriously.

  2. Definatly a no!

    Your name is very asian/vietnamese...

    I&#039;m Viet, and although our family can be rude. Don&#039;t say anything. You never know, that kid can grow to be a h**l of a lot better looking that you ! LOLLLL

  3. What a thoughtless thing to think. Many kids go thru an awkward/ugly stage and end up being beautiful.

  4. hmm....thats not being diplomatic !!

  5. no

  6. just try putting yourself into their situation...

  7. No.

  8. Thats mean...............

    your better on keeping it to yourself!

  9. You don&#039;t.  You don&#039;t say anything, it is disrepectful no matter how ugly the child it.  It is not right to say anything, and to your friend I am sure the child is the most beautiful child they have ever seen whether you think so or not.

  10. If I did that, I would not be their friend very long would I?  OF COURSE NOT!!

  11. I wouldn&#039;t tell anyone their child is ugly... I have some class. :)

  12. Goodness no!  Like branofwinterfell said, that is discussed in private by my husband and I *if* we ever thought a child was ugly.....and honestly there have only been one or two....

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