
Would you tell a lie for $100,000.00 bucks?

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Thats what happened to every scientist that says they believe in Global warming.

They got paid.

Global warming is a lie




  1. Silly question, with no evidence to support it, why, because there isn't any. This has the feel of something some made up to stir the pot, which pretty much sums up most of the denier questions here.

  2. Horse manure!

    Rick - you’re kidding right CNS news! This isn't a news site and they can't make up their mind if they are CBS or CNN.

    The original question is right up there with UFO abductions and Atlantis for credibility. What scientist would throw away their carrier for the equivalent of 1 years salary. As usual with these sort of BS theories few facts supplied, because fact can be checked, like who’s paying, and no thought to how much this would cost given the many thousands of scientists would be in on this ridiculous plot, but then know one who believes such a silly story could be accused of being that bright.

    Gosh! in hindsight my chances of being picked best answer seem slim.

  3. Brilliant.

  4. Idk exactly if thats true or not, or if you took a few scientists and made a broad generalization, but what i do know is that if a scientist were to come out against global warming they would no longer be accepted in the scientific community and shunned politically, no matter how valid or invalid his arguements are. People always get one-minded and don't even consider the other side.

  5. I agree.  There is no way of knowing that the earth's temp is at an all time high anyway.  There is no way to be able to tell accurately what the temp was so long ago because there was no way of recording it.  It's all BS......

  6. it is not u r a liar and a r****d

  7. It sure has created a lot of climate research jobs.

    "Indeed, the success of climate alarmism can be counted in the increased federal spending on climate research from a few hundred million dollars pre-1990 to $1.7 billion today."

                         RICHARD LINDZEN, April 12, 2006

  8. Politicians do it all the time...they usually get a lot more for lying though.

    Global warming seems to be a cyclicable thing in that the earth's temperature constantly cycles from hot  to cold and back again. It seems pretty conclusive that there have been specific reasons for these happenings such as the earth being hit with asteroids of enormous sizes and by massive and multiple volcanic eruptions.

    That this year was a particularly cold one in the northern states is only following what has gone on many times in the pas millions of years.....only thing different this time is we know what is going to cause the warming and we choose to remain to stupid to help slow it down any.

  9. Hey hey nostridamous prediction oso agrees that there is global warming and he dosent get a cent out of it!??

  10. yes i would. my lie is that global warming is real.

  11. I agree. Especially since the world is actually going to be cooler again this year. And yes i would lie for that much, I've lied for nothing sometimes.

    Scientists don't make much at all? That is crazy. Scientists make very good money. Starting from $90,000 up to around $250,000.

  12. I am  sure some would they are human, however you just accused every scientist whom you disagree with as liars.  I may not agree with their conclusions for the future however I would not conclude they have been paid off or lied.  That's a pretty lofty statement.

  13. Make you a deal....send me $100,000.00 and then we'll see if I lie.....

  14. Who is paying? I have three research scientists in my family who are convinced global warming is real...they sure could use the money.

  15. Wrong! - Jim Hansen 'The Father of Global Warming' received $250,000.

    "( - The scientist touted by CBS News' "60 Minutes" as arguably the "world's leading researcher on global warming" and spotlighted as a victim of the Bush administration's censorship on the issue, publicly endorsed Democrat John Kerry for president and received a $250,000 grant from the charitable foundation headed by Kerry's wife."

    Lots more about his partisanship and corruption:

  16. I Would NEVER lie about such a horrible thing like that! Not even for that money! THATS HORRIBLE!

  17. care to give us some evidence for your outrageous (and impractical) assertion? who paid?

    how much did shell make last year?

    yes tuba, excellent bit of head on trollery. got my blood pressure up for a few seconds and i have a year on the bbc science boards under my belt!

  18. NO

  19. I would really like to hear more from Scientists who disagree with the global warming theory.

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