
Would you tell me if these are Kus of any worth?

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Sunday Ku

By C.S. Scotkin

How strange, loud silence sings sweet

on battered tin roofs.

Sunday came without the rain.

Palm trees sharp shadows fall west,

eastern Riser wakes,

iridescence floats on blue.




  1. To me, very well done and more importantly a respite from the rain.  

  2. Great....I gather Fay didn't come to play today! Like these a lot.

  3. I have an Ohaus™ model 1066 Triple-beam Poetry Balance. When I placed these items on the scale and hit "Go" I got an error message stating that Ku must be weighed in Japanese, so I hit "Mushi Mushi." The indication was "gho" (5 in Japanese).

  4. Yes, much worth to your Kus.  I am glad all is well and there is calm once again.

  5. Well it's about time.

    I love "Eastern Riser wakes" that a good one.

    Any chance that rain went North?

  6. I don't like to critique because I don't feel I'm qualified, but I WOULD like to say these are beautiful!

    'Loud silence' speaks VOLUMES!

    Good Sunday morning to you.

  7. "Ku" (next to "Free") may be the most misused term in poetry. There are few similarities between Western and Oriental languages, hence the same chasm exists between our poetry. A five syllable line in Japanese could mean, "My pet duck named Frank was eaten by my neighbor" or "hello there."

  8. very visual and i agree with TravelingSoup.

  9. Yes indeed, very pleasing.  That is what really matters.

  10. My opinion is worthless.

    Your words are priceless.

    From less, a sweet lotus blooms.

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