
Would you tell me your earthquake story?

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I live in a seismic country where the land shakes very often, and everyone has a story to tell: what they were doing, or wearing, when the quake came, what they did, or thought.

I' d love to read your stories. While you answer, I will go fix the pictures on the wall: not one is straight.




  1. Hello love, How are you doing? Well I live on the east coast, so we really don't have earthquakes, But I swear, I could feel a rumble a few years back. The air force claimed it was an plane creating a sonic boom! Well, you can believe what you want......... Zaria

  2. My earthquake story is based on a dream or nightmare.. that there had been a biggest earthquake in Japan simultaneously collapsed of Saudi Arabia in the CNN news.

  3. well I live in Ohio, not exactly quake central, but I did feel the one that hit Illinois last week. The glass in my china cabinet started to rattle first and I was looking at it then there was a rumble from under the house... like there was a couple of semis driving under us but no sound, after about 10 seconds it was over. Afterwards I just sat there wondering what it was, lol.

    If I had been asleep i never would have known.

    There, woohoo, my earthquake story.

  4. I live in Indiana.  We had an "earthquake" last week;  obviously not a big one.  I was awakened by a "thud."  I thought my husband had gotten up to go to the bathroom and had fallen.  But no, he was asleep next to me.  My next thought was "earthquake."  I've been through 3 earthquakes in Indiana, and the other two were just about like this one.  

    The next day, some folks felt an aftershock.  I don't think it was felt where we live.  I didn't feel it, though I was outside at the time.

    This is really a wimpy earthquake story!

  5. House shake I crapped my pants ran outside. The end.

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