
Would you tell your best friend if you ......?

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would you tell your best friend if you found out that his wife / or her husband was having a love affair with somebody else?




  1. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss. DEF. he would hurt even more if he found out from a STRANGER and found out you knew and didnt say anything

  2. I would approach the one who was having the affair and try to talk to them about the pain they are going to cause their spouse.

  3. I'd not say anything. First of all, how can you really tell what the deal is unless you see them going at it on the table of a restaurant you're at. It just so happens that perhaps these two are friends and are talking or are business associates at a dinner that you see them at. Baby, you better have the straight p**p on the two in question before you tattle or else a c**p storm will reign down on you for causing so much trouble.  

    I would not get involved because there is always too much room for misunderstanding and I do feel people should mind their own business.

  4. Yes, no matter what !!!

  5. Yes, I would for sure tell them. I wouldn't want my friend to find out by  catching them cheating on them or all of a sudden being divorced. That would be a lot worse than telling them. Also if they found out you knew and you didn't tell them they would probably be angry with you.

  6. y7es of course it ur

    bestfrend rights to know

  7. yes i wudnt even think of resisting it

  8. absolutely. If you don't think you'll feel bad when they find out and you have to hear about it. plus its the right thing to do.  

  9. if this friend is your best friend then it is your duty to tell him..

  10. YES!.

    Thats not a hard question.

  11. Yes!  

  12. That's a tough question to answer, my first instinct is to say NO! You dont tell them because then you're getting yourself involved in someone elses personal life and unless you have hard evidence, it could start a BUNCH of **** that you dont want to deal with...

    If ANYTHING! You go to the person doing the cheating and tell them they should tell their significant other because what they're doing is wrong... Never be the person to tell someone else they're being cheated on in my opinion...

  13. He may get upset with you for knowing about it.  not that it's your fault. If there was a way to anonymously get the info to him.  But then if he finds out that you knew all along then he'd really be pist you didn't tell him.

    I guess the answer is to just tell him.

  14. How would you feel if ur wife was having another love affair. You would wanna know straightaway of course.  

  15. no u would b  a trader

  16. Would you want your best friend to tell you?


    Otherwise you are lying to your friend and protecting someone who's going to hurt them.

  17. yes for sure.

    i have done it before.

    you wouldnt want your best friend not knowing would you?

    i say you tell him/ her

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