
Would you tell your bf/gf that you......??

by  |  earlier

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Let's say that, your in a relationship with a guy... and he doesn't like girl on girl.... Would you tell him from the start you were bi or later on when things get serious? And, if you were with a girl, but liked guys too... would you tell her? Or kind of hide everything so it wouldn't cause drama or breakups?




  1. i think id tell them both from the out set it just prevents any drama that could happen when things do get more serious

  2. Honesty is the best policy....I would tell him upfront...I just think that not telling will eventually cause drama unless you are faithful and same s*x feelings will not be a factor in your current relationship.  

  3. well you should tell him/her now before things get serious. if u need a frien d then my email adress is

  4. Unless you plan on basically having two relationships at once, I don't see what it would matter really. So your guy is not into girl on girl.. so what? Do you plan on having a girlfriend while you are still going out with him?

    And personally, I think that if a guy would dump you just because you are bi, he definately wasn't ment for you. And since I am a strong believer that honnesty in a relationship is super important, I think you should tell him, and the sooner the better.

  5. If you love someone and respect yourself, the best bet is to be honest as early as possible.  The longer a secret goes untold, the more power it has to hurt when it is finally revealed.  

  6. well i would tell him when i'd start having feelings for that person... not 2 early so things won't finish b4 they'd end... and not 2 late cuz that would be hiding things from him

  7. Not the first date, and probably not the second.  But before it gets *too* serious.  

  8. im a L*****n but if i was bi i would tell him only if the ? came up ... in any way omission is betrayal lol  =]  

  9. I have a bf who knows I'm bi and is fine with it. he's not into the girl on girl thing, nor does he wish to get involved in any way.

  10. idk i still haven't figured out how to tell my boyfriend that iim bi-curious

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