
Would you tell your daughter if you thought she was ugly?

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Sometimes I lookat my daughter and can't help think she is plain, though other times when she is smiling she is so beautiful. Why do I feel this way toward my daughter? She is 3 1/2 and I tell her everyday she is pretty beautiful princess.




  1. You never tell a child that she is ugly. It could really hurt her self esteem. Why would you even think that way about her? You say that when she smiles she is beautiful, then why not do things to keep that baby smiling. All children are beautiful.

  2. Who cares?  Tell her she's pretty anyway, woman!  She's only 3, for goodness' sake, she could grow into herself and become a beautiful, gorgeous, stunning woman.  And I'm sure she's amazing in her own cute little way:)

  3. every child is beautiful in their own way, she is individual, therefore beautiful.

  4. shes 3 u never knw what she will look like when she's grown up

    Ive seen beautiful kids become ugly adults and not so great looking kids grow up to be gorgious

  5. No, because it would hurt her self-esteem. Some times when our children make us mad we see little monsters and can't see how beautiful and innocent they really are.

  6. No I would never tell her that. Yes there are a lot of plain or ugly babies. But children and babies are the purest form of life. They are so special. Just think do you want your daughter to have the same relationship with you that you have with you mom.

  7. No Way! Please don't tell her, especially if she is this young! It will do great damage to her self esteem and think, would you want to live your life knowing your mom thinks your ugly? I'm no trying to be mean, just saying.

  8. personally i cannot fathom thinking that someone i gave birth to or adopted as my own as ugly(but that's just me) but if a person does think their child is ugly i think the person should help their child look and feel more acceptable like a new haircut, acne medicine for their skin, makeup, and dental work. you should try to make the situation as easy and painless as possible.try not to be critical and instead be helpful.

  9. Please do not. Is that all that matters? Who really cares what she looks like? Encourage her to be smart, funny, kind, healthy and a good friend.  If you help build her confidence in her abilities she will grow up to be a beautiful woman.

  10. Certainly would not be so cruel,how would you feel if you mum told you that...

    Maybe you could say to your daughter that you like it best when she smiles.

    But dont be horrid.

  11. I've told her that her behavior was ugly...  

    Our children are beautiful when they are smiling.  They are less than when they are being annoying, cranky, whiny....

    I think it would hurt her if you told her she was ugly.  I also think you don't need to tell her daily that she is a beautiful princess.  Praise her authentically for the things that are authentically wonderful about her and on bad days, look really, really had to find something good.

  12. definitley not, I don't know how you feel personally because I think my child (only one birth child) is gorgeous! but even if he wasn't i would make sure he thought so, confidence is more than beauty. if she is confident, her beauty will shine through any imperfections, and it's your job as her mother to set that into play, you may feel this way because of how horrible your own mother was towards you, but as soon as you feel that way find something positive to think about, look at her and see what's beautiful.  If you truly feel this way though she can very well sense it without you saying a word. Kids are smart as h**l.

  13. god no!! imagine if YOUR mother told you that at 3 1/2,, it is scarring stuff.

    even if you do think your daughter is plain,, cos lets face it, not all of us can be child models,,  she will most likely grow up to be unique and striking in her own way.

    So don't be tempted to tell her something that is unchangeable and will probably make her esteem hit rock bottom

  14. Why would you tell your daughter such a thing? That's your opinion and just because you may think that, doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same! Keep telling her she's beautiful!!

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